The Wellness Company Respects Your Data

Dr. Heather Gessling is the Chief of the Medical Board of The Wellness Company. She’s also a practicing family physician with a family practice in Missouri called the Gessling Family Wellness Clinic. Dr. Gessling joined Dr. Naomi Wolf, CEO of DailyClout, to discuss The Wellness Company and its relationship to its patients, as well as the effects of mRNA on pregnant women and fertility.
Medical Data Harvesting
Over the last three years, the dark underbelly of the medical industrial complex has been exposed as a for-profit system that sustains itself at the expense of the overall health and medical privacy of its patients. Dr. Gessling is one of the medical freedom heroes who stood up during COVID and insisted on becoming part of the solution, instead of acquiescing to partake in the problem. It’s now an accepted practice for patients to effectively sign away their HIPPA rights when signing up for new healthcare clinics, and the patient’s data ends up being more valuable to the healthcare organization than the patient himself.
Tracking patient data can occur through insurance companies, online telehealth companies, and more.
If a patient is seen by a traditional medical organization, and the staff inputs certain billing or diagnosis codes, that will identify the patient in regards to his or her vaccination status, and other private medical information. Detailed medical data is in high demand from insurance companies, medical establishments, and the government. With such pressure emanating from powerful entities, medical staff at hospitals and healthcare centers across the country are pushed to collect as much data as they can and enter it into their digital system, which is then harvested and utilized for profit in a number of ways.
Often when performing intake for a new patient, the questions asked of the patient and the information they collect are entirely irrelevant to the medical care of the patient, and are simply personal questions that the establishment or the government would like answers to, such as if there are any firearms in the home.
Healthcare Without Data Harvesting
The Wellness Company (TWC) was created to provide healthcare with full transparency and medical privacy for its patients. TWC takes a principled stand against harvesting or selling their patients’ data. They do not track data, they don’t sell it to insurance companies or submit it to the government. They don’t even gather data to collect or analyze, they simply get the information they need from the patient in order to administer healthcare. Often, the information that’s truly needed to determine a proper healthcare plan is NOT asked of the patient in mainstream medical institutions, as they’re too busy collecting data in a quick and efficient manner that will help their bottom line instead of helping their patients.
The Wellness Company takes care to collect relevant information, and if the company ever decides to do studies to further patient care, it would be on an opt-in basis only.
mRNA Impact on FertilityÂ
Dr. Gessling has many contacts in the field of fertility who have discussed with her the complications the mRNA injections are causing in pregnancy. One issue that’s repeatedly occurring is the calcification of the placentas. Unfortunately, it’s occurring in unvaccinated women as well, possibly due to “shedding” from a vaccinated partner, although there is still much to learn about this entire situation.
Dr. Wolf notes that the Warroom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research and Analysis teams had found within Pfizer’s documents that sexual intercourse is defined as “exposure” to the vaccine.
Dr. Gessling and her colleagues at The Wellness Company have to be calculated as they determine each patient’s treatment plan. Many patients have been at a loss for medical care over the past few years, and have taken on a variety of supplements and treatment plans, which may have to be adjusted once they’ve been evaluated.
Vaccinated vs. UnvaccinatedÂ
Unfortunately, TWC is seeing a stark difference in overall health between their patients who received mRNA vaccines and those who did not. Not all, but many recipients of the shot are suffering from a variety of health issues, overall fatigue, and accelerated aging.
Rebuilding Science and Medicine
The Wellness Company is front and center in forging a new frontier in medicine, focused on medical freedom, informed consent, and a patient-centered approach that takes overall health into account. The Wellness Company has only been open for a few months, yet has already accomplished so much of what it set out to do. The staff of TWC has big plans moving ahead, including conducting their own studies in the continued pursuit of the health and wellness of their patients.
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