BULLETIN BOARD: SOS-“Australia Is In Trouble”- A Letter and Video Clip From Our Audience

I am a wife, mother and grandmother of 9 beautiful little people and my country is being destroyed.
Please! Australia is in trouble. We are sending out an SOS to the nations. We need your help and prayers.
On December 4th 2021 at 12pm midday, we call for an international ‘SOS from Australia’ event.
We call upon politicians, international leaders and all concerned citizens to respond to our SOS. See link [WATCH VIDEO] at the end.
Our government has passed many new laws to restrict us, spy on us, and abuse us. Our courts and legal systems are compromised.
We have no Bill of Rights and no weapons to defend ourselves and our children.
Unvaccinated people in nearly all states of Australia are now unable to…
*Visit vulnerable settings, including hospitals, residential aged care, disability care accommodation, and prisons, with very few exceptions.
*Attend hospitality venues such as hotels, pubs, clubs, taverns, bars, restaurants or cafes.
*Attend indoor entertainment venues such as nightclubs, live music venues, concerts, theatres or cinemas and in some states churches.
*Attend outdoor entertainment activities such as sporting stadiums, theme parks or tourism experience like reef excursions.
*Attend festivals – either indoor or outdoor – such as musical festivals, folk festivals or arts festivals.
*Attend Queensland Government owned galleries, museums or libraries.
If anyone attending a wedding is unvaccinated, it is restricted to a maximum of 20 people.
GP clinics are closing with [after] doctors, nurses and admin staff working in any public or private health setting [have been] forced to get the jab.
Many businesses have been forced to close, losing 20% or more of their clientele or workers with some business owners unable to even step foot on their own premises.
Please share far and wide especially with people of influence.