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January 10, 2018

Bill to Privatize Tech of Creepy TSA Airport Screenings; Bill Gives Pres Unchecked Access to Your Biometrics and May Let Him Call You “Associate” of “Terrorist Organization”

Congress is back in session. Hopefully the Representatives on the Hill are ready — because there is a countdown clock hanging over them. Congress has eleven days to avoid a government shutdown. The short-term funding legislation which we covered before the break, expires on January 19th. That’s next Friday. Most …

January 9, 2018


Via WND A convergence of weather patterns created the nor’easter that brought frigid temperatures and snow to the eastern U.S. from Mississippi to Maine. That “bomb cyclone” also exposed a perfect storm of President Obama’s failed energy policies that threatens disastrous consequences for the nation. Brutal cold strained the electric …

January 9, 2018

Women Should Not Have To Fear Flying.

Via Feminists For Life FBI investigations into midair sexual assaults have increased by 66 percent from fiscal year 2014 to 2017. The bureau said it opened 63 investigations into sexual assault on aircraft during the current fiscal year, compared with 57 in 2016, 40 in 2015, and 38 in 2014. …

December 27, 2017

THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS – Tax Bill Passes, Congress Puts a Band-Aid on the Budget, and A Bill Supports Women and Minorities in Heading into Space

Congress is off this week for its Christmas break, but the end of the 2017 legislative calendar saw major changes. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (HR 1) passed the House and the Senate, and was signed by President Donald Trump before he went on his Christmas vacation at his …

December 16, 2017

Another Looming Government Shutdown? Taxes, Religion, and Post Offices? – This Week in Congress

This week the two houses of Congress are meeting to bring their respective tax bills together. These meetings are called “Conference Committees”; leaders from the Senate and House are working to melt two complicated documents into one. Republicans hope to have the bill on the president’s desk before Christmas, but …

Iziah Explains

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