“Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” Reveals Disturbing Discovery

Dear DailyClout,
I spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring with the rank of Major. After that, I was a defense contractor working with the Air Force for an additional 16 years. I am an Electrical Engineer and Data Analyst who has worked with fighter aircraft such as the F-16 Falcon, the F-22 Raptor, and the F-117 Stealth Fighter. I have a Bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University in Mathematics, a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University, and a Master’s degree in Computer Resources and Information Management from Webster University in St. Louis, MO.
My career came to an abrupt halt in October 2021 when I refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine. This took me on a journey that eventually led me to the creation of two “Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Surveys” to investigate the appearance of new and unusual “white fibrous clots” in corpses and their potential link to the COVID vaccines, as described by embalmers in the documentary “Died Suddenly.” The results of these surveys are shocking and disturbing.
The results of the first survey, conducted earlier last year, are below. This survey shows a clear link to the time that most embalmers first started seeing the “white fibrous clots” in 2021 which is AFTER the rollout of the Covid vaccines.
The December 2023 “Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” was conducted from December 8th, 2023 to 8 January 8th, 2024.
Of the 269 embalmers who responded to the survey:
- OVER 70% of embalmers saw the “WHITE FIBROUS CLOTS” in their corpses in 2023! This is a phenomenon that did not exist prior to the years before Covid-19 or the Covid-19 vaccines. In 2023, embalmers saw these white fibrous clots in an average of 20% of their corpses, with some embalmers seeing these clots in a much higher percentage of corpses!
- ALMOST 80% of embalmers saw “MICRO-CLOTTING” in their corpses in 2023, as evidenced by what looks like “coffee grounds” or “dirty blood” in the drainage of their corpses! This is a phenomenon that was seen very rarely in corpses (<5%) prior to the years before Covid-19 or the Covid-19 vaccines. In 2023, embalmers saw micro-clotting in an average of about 25% of their corpses, with some embalmers seeing these clots in a much higher percentage of corpses!
- Some embalmers have also noticed a significant increase in “INFANT DEATHS” and most embalmers saw an increase in clotting in “MULTIPLE AGE GROUPS” (especially ages 36 and up) in 2023 compared to the years before Covid-19 and the Covid-19 vaccines.
There is no way to “sugarcoat” this. These blood clots are REAL and they are PREVALENT! There are strong indications in these results that the COVID-19 vaccines MAY be a factor in the tremendous increase in the unusual clotting that embalmers have seen during the last 3 years. The embalmers that I am in contact with strongly believe these clots are happening ante-mortem (i.e., before death) because they still find these clots in corpses that are only an hour or two old.
I strongly urge the FDA and CDC to take immediate action to investigate the probable link between the COVID-19 vaccines and the formation of these very unusual clots that embalmers with 20 and 30 years of experience have never seen before until the years of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, I think it would be wise to completely stop the COVID-19 vaccination program until it can be determined whether the COVID-19 vaccines are the culprit or not.
As a concerned American citizen, I stand ready to assist.
Major Thomas Haviland
This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
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