“Were We Lied To By the FDA?”

In this embroidery, a magician/judge swirls his robe around. It is not clear whether ‘Comirnaty’ or ‘Pfizer’ will appear on the robe. It is a magician’s trick. Behind the magician/judge, there are many shadows. They are distorted and scary.
I was inspired by Stevan Douglas Looney’s Report 12: “Were we Lied to by the FDA?” where we can see that we thought we were given the “approved” Comirnaty, but weren’t. I was also inspired by Luis Ospino’s article “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and its Connection to the Present,” where prisoners chained in a cave only experienced the outside world by seeing the shadows of people walking by. Once released, they couldn’t easily come to terms with what is real. Luis compares this to our possible view of the world through the eyes of the media. Much of the news is just distorted shadows. We don’t get an accurate enough view to know our world.
The magician/judge figure seemed to play a magic trick on us where one company is hollow while the other exists. Magicians have their place but it is not fun being tricked when the topic is serious. To read about big Pharma and the fraud and lies that occur is like seeing the scary shadows. I don’t understand what is true and so I am afraid that what I see is evil.
While I have struggled with the Catholic Church as an institution, I also find value in the Abrahamic religions (and possibly others). I am searching for good and to be good but I am not there yet.