The Great Reset: How History is Repeating Itself

The Great Reset: How History is Repeating Itself
Though politicians to their continual demise appear to ignore the lessons of history, it nevertheless persists with the uncanny habit of repeating itself. The way the tectonic plates are shifting at the moment, I’m beginning to get that eerie feeling that we’ve been here before. 1939-49 to be more specific. Consider the following possibilities, as we pick our way through the rubble:
1945 – much of Europe flattened, all of it in tatters. Germany defeated.
2023 – Europe effectively bankrupt, in danger of being economically flattened by Russia. The concept of the EU is ultimately discredited – a stupid idea, trying to unite different cultures into a superstate under a single system and a single currency, the delusions of this grandeur epitomised in the globalist ambitions of the WEF and the WHO (there was always a clue, having ‘World’ in their titles). Klaus Schwab’s dream of a Fourth Reich is shattered.
1945 – By agreement (connivance) with the allied powers, Russia gobbles up large chunks of Eastern Europe, right up to the Berlin Wall.
2023 – Ditto.
1941 – Britain and America, under the strong leadership of Churchill & Roosevelt, become allies in the defeat of Germany and Italy (and Japan), uniting their respective strengths of military strategy, determination, and vast natural & industrial resources.
2023 – America wakes from its spell and is reminded of its self-sufficiency, its armed citizenry, and its vast natural & industrial resources. It kicks out a senile president and his Commie cronies, neuters megalomaniacal computer nerds & laboratory technicians, and re-establishes relations with Russia. Crucially, Great Britain sees sense at the eleventh hour, and bonds tightly once more to its traditional ally.
1939-1945 – The Commonwealth countries of Canada, Australia & New Zealand join Great Britain in the fight for freedom against tyranny.
2023 – Great Britain ceases its shameful neglect of Canada, Australia & New Zealand, kicking out its Young Globalist Leaders. America, Great Britain, its Commonwealth & Russia unite to defeat the tyranny of Klaus Schwab, the WEF and the WHO. Unshackled Commonwealth trade resumes, with the reappearance of old stalwarts like Canadian cheddar, New Zealand lamb, Australian wheat and Australian wool.
1945-49 – Nuremberg trials. Traitors & perpetrators indicted for treason, genocide and crimes against humanity.
2023-27 – Ditto.
1945+ – Shattered countries (especially in Europe) rebuild their economies, cultures, currencies and common sense (for a generation or two).
2023+ – Ditto.
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Not sure I agree that Western Europe’s sad state is analogous to the aftermath of WWII. i suspect it’s actually part of the plan to usher in the New World Order.. I don[t think this is over by any means.