Originally published December 16, 2024, at America Out Loud NEWS California Governor Gavin Newsom represents a population of 40 million. The State’s residents are a miniscule 0.4 percent of the 8 billion on this planet, but he has California acting as an independent country with environmental laws, regulations, and mandates […]
“MSM’s Dumping of Biden After Debate Was Probably Planned”
Rachel Maddow is the exception to what appears to be a scripted jettison. MSM commentary on the “debate,” including remarks by David Plouffe—former campaign manager and senior adviser to President Obama —strongly suggests that the Party had already decided to dump Biden, and used the first debate as their opportunity […]
America’s Energy Scam! A deliberate exploitation of humanity that only increases emissions!
America is aggressively pursuing “green” electricity and actively phasing out crude oil to reduce emissions generated in America by deliberately increasing worldwide exploitations of humanity, environmental degradation, and increased emissions. California Governor Gavin Newsom, President Joe Biden, and world leaders are not cognizant enough to know that wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity and cannot manufacture tires, cable […]
COS Action President Mark Meckler Responds to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Call for Article 5 Convention to Add Gun Control Amendment to Constitution
(Austin, TX—June 9, 2023) Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action (COSA)—an organization of more than 5 million active grassroots volunteers representing every state legislative district in the nation, focusing on restoring a culture of self-governance in America—issued the following statement in reply to CA Gov. Gavin Newsom’s comments […]
“America is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed”
Everything that needs electricity is made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. In an all-electric world, there will be nothing to power without oil. Energy growth, electricity AND the products made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil and the fuels to power ships, planes, militaries, and space […]
Sportfishing Boats May Suffer from New California Air Resources Board Ruling
Sportfishing Boats May Suffer from New California Air Resources Board Ruling The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has just amended their proposed regulations regarding commercial passenger harbor craft emission regulations that stood to remove 174 sportfishing and whale watching boats from the sea. CARB is requiring existing boat owners to […]
Newsom’s Energy Regulations Have Oil Tankers Emitting More Than Twice What All of California’s Vehicle Fleet Do
California Governor Newsom seems fixated on the fact that he “only breaths California air”, as his justification for increasing GHG emissions from “the maritime fleet” outside of the State. CFACT just posted my Op Ed at https://www.cfact.org/2022/03/27/newsoms-energy-regulations-have-oil-tankers-emitting-more-than-twice-what-all-of-californias-vehicle-fleet-do/ Newsom’s energy regulations have oil tankers emitting more than twice what all of California’s […]