Original article Ofcom vs Steyn/ Steyn vs Ofcom It could be worse. Mark could be banged up in Belmarsh like poor old Tommy. [UPDATE: more on the corrupt two-tier UK judiciary breaking now.] Today, Justice Farbey of the High Court in London ruled: 1) the costs demanded by Ofcom are to be […]
Legal Update: Ofcom Wins
Original post We are, of course, disappointed with today’s decision – but not entirely surprised given the narrow parameters we were fighting within. (Click above for Dr Naomi Wolf’s witness statement – delivered outside the court as she was not allowed to deliver it orally in court. Plus, my statement and Mark’s – which were given […]
Mark Steyn Responds to Censorship by UK State Censor Ofcom
“UK Media Censor OfCom’s Painful Argument in Steyn v OfCom”
From Dr. Naomi Wolf: “I flew to London for a June 11 hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice – a judicial review of UK ‘Media Regulator’ OfCom’s sanctions against respected commentator Mark Steyn. OfCom had concluded that Steyn’s show on GBNews in October 2022, on which he had allowed […]
Steyn vs Ofcom – It’s On!
~On Friday, my solicitors in London served notice on the UK media censor Ofcom that, absent a complete reversal of their “ruling” against me by the end of this week, I will be suing them in the English High Court – because, aside from anything else, their action is illegal. The […]
The (Factual) Interview that Led OfCom to Censure Mark Steyn and Dr Naomi Wolf
Dr. Naomi Wolf Speaks Out About Ofcom Censorship Dr. Naomi Wolf and Mark Steyn Ofcom Offending Clip: Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Legal Battle and How You Can Help Support DailyClout
UK Media Regulator Ofcom Goes After Me, Mark Steyn, For Telling The Truth
After a 7 Month Investigation into GBNews, OfCom Censures Mark Steyn, me, for accurate info from Pfizer Documents, via 3500 Medical and Scientific Experts, showing Harm to Women and Babies. Here is UK Media regulator Ofcom’s Orwellian announcement today, censuring Mark Steyn, GBNews and me, after its seven months’ […]
Television Presenter Mark Steyn Suffers Two Heart Attacks and Narrowly SurvivesÂ
A friend to the vaccine-injured, and champion of British citizens who often feel voiceless, the intrepid Mark Steyn, of the Mark Steyn Show on Great Britain News Channel, and steynonline.com has suffered two heart attacks. Thankfully he survived both, but the danger was grave. Mark Steyn has been an important voice throughout […]