Dear DailyClout, Our country was formed around religious freedom. People came here so they could practice their religion and not have that practice denied. In the mid-1960s schools were deemed to be “state,” and thanks to Madalyn Murray O’Hair and the courts, a separation of Church and “state” occurred. […]
Naomi Wolf On Internal Vaccine Study “Pfizer Knew About The Safety Signal By March 2021 And Hid It”
Naomi Wolf on War Room: Internal Vaccine Study “Pfizer Knew About The Safety Signal By March 2021 And Hid It” New Vaccine Rollout “The FDA Has Not Approved These New Vaccines” Watch War Room Live on Rumble
3 Things You Need to Know for Back to School
1. Opt Out of Curriculum, Activities, and Surveys Federal law allows parents to review curriculum and prevents schools from asking highly personal questions without parental consent. 2. Vaccine Mandates are Coming You have the right to submit a completed medical or non-medical/religious exemption form. 3. Mask Mandates are Coming This is a caution to all […]
Green Party Mask Fanatic Predicts That a “Covid Fall” Awaits Us, Calls Upon Germans to Resume Masking
They will try to bring back masking, but it’s not going to happen. From Spiegel: Case statistics are rising, and some experts fear a Covid Fall. 1 Now the health policy spokesman for the Green Party in the Bundestag, Janosch Dahmen, recommends a return to masking … “In order to protect […]
COVID Mask Mandates Make a Comeback
Some public and private employers are returning to mask mandates amid a recent spike in COVID-19 cases nationwide due to new variants of the virus, according to the Associated Press. As students returned Sunday to Morris Brown College, a small Atlanta-based historically Black college, the university announced it would be […]
To the Editor: Washington DC Legislative Activities Update on Written Informed Consent
Dear DailyClout, We must protect our veterans’ mental and physical well-being by ensuring that they receive full and adequate information when they are prescribed the following black box medications – antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants, narcotics, and anti-anxiety medications. This would make it the prescriber’s responsibility to inform the veteran […]
Help DailyClout Turn the Five Freedoms into Law!
Model Bill 1:Â Vaccine Passport/Vaccine Discrimination Prohibition Bill READ, forward to your legislator, and sign the petition Model Bill 2:Â No Mask Mandate READ, forward to your legislator, and sign the petition Model Bill 3:Â Open Schools Now READ, forward to your legislator, and sign the petition Model Bill 4:Â Freedom […]
Rutgers Set to Disenroll Students on August 15th if Not Compliant with COVID Vaccine Mandates
On March 25, 2021, Rutgers University became the first university in the nation to announce it would require students to take COVID vaccines for fall 2021 enrollment, retracting its January 8, 2021 announcement that “…with our stance of human liberties and our history of protecting that, the vaccine is not mandatory.” What happened […]
Misleading Publishing And Chronic Self-Deception
There’s far more journalistic fraud than anyone wants to admit Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. ~ Albert Einstein, 1953 My eyes widened when I saw a recent headline, There’s far more scientific […]
Weill-Cornell and the Poisoning of Our Unborn Children
“If just one Ivy League University had unmasked the criminal character, purpose, and culprits of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, that entire scheme would have collapsed; and millions of lives and livelihoods would have been spared . . . This is especially true if it had been my alma mater, Cornell […]
NYC Gets Sued for Firing Educators Who Declined Covid Vaccination
Michael Kane is the founder of which is 100% opposed to medical mandates for anyone to keep their job, especially educators. He is currently the Grassroots Organizer for AMERICAN VALUES 2024 which is focused on making Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the next President of the United States. Kane previously […]
Measuring the Mandates: Questioning the State’s Response to COVID-19
Dear DailyClout, I live on the Isle of Man, where an independent inquiry is currently taking place into the government’s handling of COVID-19. I’m part of a group that was set up in opposition to mandates, and we decided we should submit a report critiquing their use. The report […]
Introducing the McCullough Foundation: Where Medical & Constitutional Freedom Intersect
Originally published on Courageous Discourse On the icy morning of January 23, 2022, Dr. Peter McCullough delivered an address on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to the gathered participants of the Defeat the Mandates March. As I sat listening, I wondered when in history had medical authority been the […]
Dr. McCullough: 3 Painful Facts that Fauci and the CDC are Hiding from You
The mainstream media and the corrupt medical industrial complex don’t want to talk about spike protein – because the very vaccines they promoted are responsible for intensifying the threat to public health. Fortunately, there are freedom-fighting truth tellers – like Dr. Peter McCullough and his team of medical professionals […]
Respectfully, Dr. Offit: Where There Is Risk, There MUST be Choice.
Who Is Dr. Paul Offit? Dr. Paul Offit, MD is a member of various vaccine committees and a pediatrician who, according to his website, specializes in infectious diseases and is an “expert on vaccines, immunology, and virology”. Dr. Offit spent time during the COVID pandemic forcefully advocating for widespread vaccine […]
BOOM, Huge Victory ‘Bishop Unified School District to Pay $400,000 and Conduct Training for All Employees in Settlement Agreement for Harming Students During COVID-19 Pandemic’
Originally published on the author’s Substack, Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter Bishop, California – May 11, 2023. With the help of retired U.S. Federal Judge Stephen G. Larson, Bishop Unified School District (BUSD) and a group of Parents who filed claims for damages for violation of their children’s […]
Dr. Peter McCullough: Could COVID only be the beginning?
As America’s leading cardiologist, Dr. McCullough wasn’t afraid to stand up to big pharma, big tech and big government during the pandemic, and he is showing that same courage to sound the alarm today: “This spike protein is a killer, and it rips through the hearts of men […]
Letter to the Editor: My Experience as a Home Health Nurse During Covid
Dear DailyClout, I have been an RN for many years with a lot of clinical experience and education. Most recently I have been a travel RN working in several states over the last five years: from July 2017 to Feb 2022. Most of my assignments were scheduled for 13 weeks. […]
An Easy Guide to Rational Energy Policies
Originally published at The elephant in the room is a supply chain backup plan for products now supporting humanity that is required before we electrify the world. There are extensive technical and lengthy discussions and proposed solutions, both pros and cons, about climate change, rising oceans, extreme weather […]
Tricked by COVID Doctors? How You Can Reverse the Damage Before it’s Too Late
Vaccine Lies and Bribes: Dr. McCullough Uncovers the Smoking Gun Dr. Peter McCullough, outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and jabs, unearthed a damning document that exposes the latest loss of integrity in the healthcare system through vaccine bribery. Published by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicaid, the “COVID-19 Vaccine […]