Originally published on the author’s Substack An interesting nomination for the important position of the United States Surgeon General: Of note is Trump bragging about his “historic operation Warp Speed,” which, according to him, saved hundreds of millions of lives. Trump’s outlandish boast is unsupported by any evidence whatsoever: Even Bill […]
“A Huge Financial Bet Against Donald Trump’s Company Was Made Before the Assassination Attempt”
Must be a coincidence, right? Originally posted on the author’s Substack Donald Trump is a significant owner of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT) shares. That publicly traded entity operates Truth Social, a pro-Trump social network in which Mr. Trump owns 78.8 million shares. The network’s business plan is to be the hangout for like-minded […]
“Trump Questioned Vaccines on June 7th; Assassination Attempt Came Five Weeks Later”
Originally Published on Substack A pure coincidence, of course. Nothing to see here. The shooting of Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico and yesterday’s assassination attempt against Donald Trump share an odd similarity. Both spoke against Big Pharma shortly before the assassinations, and both questioned vaccines. While it would be counterintuitive to suspect […]
“Google’s Election Interference?”
Originally published on Substack Please do not search for unapproved terms Try searching Google for “President Donald Trump,” which I presume is a very common search term. As you type your query, Google displays search suggestions. And guess what? The world’s biggest search engine makes all sorts of suggestions other […]
“Leader of Slovakia Shot After Demanding Investigation Into COVID Vaccines”
Originally published on Substack Slovakia, a nice country in the heart of Europe, is unique in one important respect: it is the only country, out of the whole world, whose leader denounced COVID vaccines and announced a COVID inquiry into excess deaths, corrupt influence of Pfizer, and ill effects of COVID vaccines. […]
“Religious Faith Can Be ‘Turned Off’ by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Scientists Find”
Your tinfoil hats will not help you this time Originally published on the author’s Substack. Many of us hold strong religious beliefs. Religions are foundational not only for individuals; they support entire societies, preventing self-destruction by keeping perverse and antisocial behaviors in check. Religion is an ephemeral connection between humans and […]
“Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers”
We Overcame the Most Sophisticated Forms of Manipulation This post is the first in my future series, on how governments and shady non-governmental players psychologically manipulated us during the Covid-19 crisis. In this series, I will highlight various dirty tricks and explain why most people fell for them, one per post. […]
Chicago Sues Big Oil for Climate Change As Its Weather has been Nice and Unremarkable for Years
Climate Change Blamed for Municipal Problems The City of Chicago is suing Big Oil for climate change: Chicago is suing five of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, accusing them of lying about their products and the dangers of climate change that contributes to flooding, extreme heat and other destructive forces that […]
“Family Abolition” and the COVID Pandemic
Covid vaccine promoters and hateful media fractured families. Can we heal? Many influential thought leaders are calling for “family abolition.” Their vision of the future world is nicely illustrated by an important proponent of “family abolition,” Sophie Lewis. Check out this picture: OpenDemocracy.Net explains: We all want “kinship, love, and ‘good things […]
Retracted NZ Study Proved HPV Vaccine “Reduced Preterm Births” – By INVERTING THE DATA
A study by New Zealand’s Beverley Lawton et al. “proved” that receipt of the HPV vaccine reduced preterm births. However, when statistical sleuths questioned the data, the study was retracted, as it turned out that the findings were inverted. The story of the retraction is quite scandalous and is worth exploring! https://web.archive.org/web/20200930050420/https://retractionwatch.com/2020/09/23/a-wholly-frustrating-and-embarrassing-process-authors-retract-paper-on-hpv-vaccine-and-preterm-birth/ The study […]
The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines, Study Finds
Scapegoating and hate messaging were intentional and BROKE UP FAMILIES A new scientific study found that unvaccinated people were unfairly scapegoated during the pandemic. Psypost reports: https://www.psypost.org/2023/11/the-covid-19-blame-game-unvaccinated-individuals-disproportionately-scapegoated-study-suggests-214419 I doubt that the “scientific discovery” of unwarranted and mean-spirited scapegoating of the unvaccinated surprises most of my readers, but the details of the “findings” are interesting. However, this […]
Microsoft’s ‘Democracy Forward’ Initiative Aims to Manipulate Our Society
Plans to To ‘Shape Information Ecosystem’, ‘Integrate Into Election Software’, ‘Provide Election Security’, and much more Microsoft, founded in 1975 by Bill Gates, is a software firm that developed and owns monopoly rights to the famous Windows operating system. My readers might be surprised to learn that Microsoft’s interests go far […]
Assisted Suicide for BABIES Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians
I apologize for using the oxymoronic term “assisted suicide for babies” in the title. An infant is not self-aware and cannot “commit suicide.” Infants want to live, eat, and be held by their parents. And yet, the Quebec College of Physicians wants to expand the Canadian “Medical Assistance in Dying” […]
Pfizer May Go Bankrupt, Financial Markets Realize
Pfizer’s Greed and Recklessness Will Catch Up with Them. That Happened to Purdue Pharma SUMMARY: The stock market may be waking up to the possibility that Pfizer may go bankrupt due to the upcoming Covid vaccine claims. Many parallels can be drawn between the corporate behaviors of Pfizer and Purdue […]
Neonatal Deaths in Vaccinated Mothers 28% Greater, UK Study Reveals Accidentally
A new preprint study was published to appear in the British Medical Journal. Working for the UK government, its authors set out to prove that COVID vaccines were safe in pregnancy. However, some findings are disturbing and point at the opposite. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.09.23296737v1 Vaccines Do Cause COVID-19, Sort of The first finding, to […]
COVID Vaccine Contaminates Breast Milk, Study Finds
Scientific Confirmation of COVID Vaccine Shedding Remember how our officials and TV health experts told us that “the vaccine stays in the arm” and that vaccine shedding is a myth? It turns out that it was not true. A new scientific study published in the Lancet Discovery Science on Sep 19 […]
UK Population Collapse “Good for the Planet,” WEF Adviser Prof. Sarah Harper Explains
Population collapse was a conspiracy theory earlier, but is now “good for us” Remember how depopulation was called a right-wing conspiracy theory? Things have changed, and “population collapse,” which can no longer be denied, is now good for us! The Telegraph picked the perfect messenger to communicate the new way we should think about population declines. A high-level […]
Remote Control of Bodily Functions Can Be Enabled by Transgenic DNA Modifications
Scientists describe a working mechanism to cure diabetes in mice Can we alter people’s genes via a surreptitious DNA transfection to remotely control their bodily functions? In the past, such discussions belonged to the realm of science fiction, supervillain cartoons, or conspiracy theories. Not anymore. A new study published in Nature Metabolism described a particular transfection of human […]
COVID Vaccines Harm Newborns, Study Proves
Moderna Causes More Fetal Damage than Pfizer due to Higher Dose Last October, I posted two articles based on data accidentally provided by the CDC, showing proof of the dangers of Covid vaccines in pregnancy. A large CDC dataset showed that miscarriages and infant deaths are significantly more prevalent in pregnancies […]
COVID Vaccines Harm Newborns, Study Proves
Originally published on Igor’s Newsletter Moderna Causes More Fetal Damage than Pfizer due to Higher Dose Last October, I posted two articles based on data accidentally provided by the CDC, showing proof of the dangers of Covid vaccines in pregnancy. A large CDC dataset showed that miscarriages and infant deaths are […]