Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals

Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals
A survey of 300,000 people who didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine revealed the unvaccinated didn’t place a disproportionate burden on health systems — in fact, they experienced very low rates of hospitalization and severe COVID-19.
There have been very few studies looking at how those who’ve elected to rely on natural immunity and natural products, as compared with those who’ve consented to COVID-19 genetic vaccines, the latter who may or may not have, also tried to optimize their immune systems, fare when it comes to COVID-19.
The few that have been done often mix vaccinated with unvaccinated, as shown in the case of U.K. data by professor Norman Fenton and his group at Queen Mary, University of London.
That changes with the first release of the analysis of survey data from the international Control Group project — also known as the Vax Control Group.
The citizen-led project was initiated by an Eastbourne (U.K.) cooperative, the Control Group Cooperative — and it’s had more than 300,000 subscribers.
Rob Verkerk Ph.D. of Alliance for Natural Health has led a team, including Dr. Naseeba Kathrada (general practitioner, South Africa, Caring Healthcare Workers Coalition), Christof Plothe D.O. (integrative and osteopathic practitioner, Germany) and Dr. Kat Lindley (family physician, USA), that has collated, analyzed and interpreted the first five months of survey data from “control group” participants.
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These spammers think that we are stupid.
I hope all those Covid fanatics who were calling for unvaccinated people to be refused treatment if they did get Covid, be dropped by their insurance companies, called for them to be put in camps, or refused entry into any store to buy groceries or medicine, are now rolling on the floor and pulling their hair out!