PRESS RELEASE: American Voters’ Alliance and DailyClout Put Forth Model Election Reform Bill in Time for November 2024 Presidential Election

The American Voters’ Alliance and DailyClout have been working overtime to develop legislative solutions – with the expert oversight of Amistad Director, Phill Kline, along with DailyClout CEO Dr. Naomi Wolf, and input from various election experts and state representatives.
This model legislation will better hold public officials accountable and correct the egregious irregularities and unlawful behaviors such as the ballot harvesting that we witnessed in 2020.
“Private interest groups have been managing elections through non-profit shells and, more recently, through government contracts. These groups are not subject to FOIA requests or the same transparency laws as government officials. Our model legislation creates transparency around their involvement and accountability for their election activities,” explained former Kansas Attorney General and bill co-author Phill Kline.
U.S. election codes are largely antiquated, out of touch, and vulnerable to misuse and tampering, causing citizen confidence in elections to erode over the past 20 years. A 2023 poll by ABC noted that only 20% of Americans are “very confident” in U.S. election.
“Free and fair elections must be transparent, inclusive, and accountable – but that’s not currently the case in many parts of the country. The status quo is unacceptable, and it has to end. Every legal vote should count, and fraudulent votes should never count. We have been developing a framework to accomplish just that,” stated American Voters’ Alliances founder, Jacqueline Timmer.
This research-based, bi-partisan election reform includes same-day voting, voter ID, paper ballots, and public counting – common-sense reforms, to promote clean and accurate U.S. state and Federal elections.
“[This model legislation is] so simple and easy, everyone can understand it,” said Dr. Naomi Wolf, bill co-author and CEO of DailyClout, on Steve Bannon’s War Room. “We’ll have paper ballots, same-day voting, [and] voter I.D. by November – we’re going to save this country.” Dr. Wolf heads to Wyoming to present the bill to state legislators February 14-16 and will travel to any Statehouse that invites her to present it, after that.
Please make media inquiries to A.J. Rice, President and CEO of Publius PR.
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Election Transparency, Accountability and Inclusion Act
American Voters’ Alliance / Daily Clout
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