Please Help the DailyClout / War Room Volunteers Blow the Biggest Story of Our Lifetime Wide Open
Pfizer must answer for their crimes against humanity.
Greetings, digital warriors.
I just want to let you know that thanks to your support — as this truth is still being heavily censored by legacy media — the WarRoom / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports ebook is number 5 on Amazon’s Nonfiction Bestsellers List and number 3 in ‘New Releases’.
This is a real miracle given the blackout of normal coverage of this lifesaving book — fifty reports compiled by 3500 experts who reviewed the hundreds of thousands of Pfizer documents released by the FDA under court order.
Please help us keep truth at the top of the algorithm. If the book is in the top 10 for five more days, legacy media lists have to run it and this helps us confront the criminals.
Please continue to spread the word – you can use Amazon to gift the ebook to loved ones, elected officials, Dr Walensky — President Biden — and please share the information this book contains, that reveals with abundant documentation, the greatest crime ever committed against humanity.
Interact with the image below to order your copy. Thank you so much.
Also available in PDF format on our website.
Why is the War Room Pfizer documents only available on Kindle?? Can it also please be released in Audible so that more people can access it and share it??
Hello – Kate here. The eBook is available in PDF form on at the following link in addition to Amazon Kindle:
We are also in the process of making a printed version available soon.
Dear Kate Melgoza
I would like to purchase print copy for myself and others in book form when it becomes available a hard copy.
I have entered an email address.
Thank you in advance for any information that you are able to provide.
When will the hard copy book be available for purchase?
Not to diminish the heroic efforts of Dr. Wolf and/or her teams of thousands, as a senior lay American male who’s been battling FDA approved food poisoning instigated chronic illness for forty-two years and counting, who just bought the PDF version of the book, just read Dr. Wolf’s ‘Foreword’ and just browsed the ‘Table’ for relevant content, I find that while ‘globally’ a much greater number of individuals were threatened, injured and/or died prematurely, the AMA’s and the FDA’s ‘silent American genocide’ is still the world’s greatest crime against humanity, with some thirty million unsuspecting Americans already prematurely deceased, including most of my immediate family (e.g., father, mother, youngest brother, younger sister, oldest brother, several aunts and uncles, cousins and second cousins. They all, of course, had various official causes of death at various ages, mostly prior to the Covid-19 ‘plandemic’ and/or ‘scamdemic.’
Regrettably, some of what I know of which is missing from the in-depth analysis of the final report may have actually contributed to the bad outcomes for many of the injured, skewing some of the results in Pfizer’s favor. Still, it should have been factored-in with the all of the documents analyzed but, as with most other medical studies, never is. Included below is a link to my more recently updated one-page (hard copy, for sharing) overview and summary of my entire adult illness experience. And, while as with when I wrote the US FDA (with replies) in October of 2005 (about fifteen million premature US deaths ago) and the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI) and The Lancet in 2011 (about ten million premature US deaths ago) mine is still basically just a “one subject study,” as if I’m that different from most other human beings.
The many medical studies and official statistics I’ve browsed since becoming mysteriously, seriously ill again from early 2009 through late 2010 inform me that while I am something of a ‘worse’ but not ‘worst’ case scenario of multiple food and food additive allergies, FDA approved food poisoning and excessive related/resultant medical errors, I’m still consistent with the basics as briefly described in my ‘summary:’
Really Charles Shaver? Just HOW was Dr. Wolf to have known you wrote your diatribe? Why weren’t you watching Bannon’s Warroom that Dr. Wolf has been on over the last year asking for the 3,500 volunteers to help decipher the 55,000 pages of Pfizer documents they wanted hidden for 75yrs when a Trump-appointed Judge ruled Pfizer couldn’t hide the exculpatory documents?? Be real and back off!! Thank God for heroes like Dr. Wolf who didn’t hesitate to publish this hideous information.
Therese, I hope Dr. Wolf and Kate read your comments and see what a strong supporter you are. As to your question, I have previously communicated with Dr. Wolf and Kate and, as of today (just checked) I have 2,779 recipients in my email contacts list. Not all of them were about my kind of allergies, FDA approved food poisoning and/or way too-common medical errors and premature mortality but most of them were, beginning with a few hundred postal letters starting with the FDA in October of 2005 about ‘obesity,’ as on the “About” page of my non-economic Odysee video channel, over 3,000 total in the last seventeen years.
More specifically, I think I was busy writing dozens of more authoritative, qualified and/or resourceful professional others of my rather rare (if not unique) lay findings of the underlying causes of so much cheap and easily prevented chronic disease and premature mortality (few replies, apparently in-vain) with, in my lay opinion, the Covid-19 fiasco being only the tip of an iceberg or the capstone on a great pyramid of tens of millions of bodies of abused, betrayed and mostly long forgotten Americans. At about 4,000 (about half of the daily average of US deaths from all causes) a day in 2023, the ‘silent American genocide’ remains my higher priority with Covid-19 being mostly just a footnote to me in a tragic personal story of forty-two years and counting. Be safe; be well.
Get tested for heavy metals. US EPA looked the other way as the decision was made to allow coal plant ash in the crops (even the organic crops).
The organic farms is California are now owned by big companies & they don’t care about the quality of the crops. Mercury, arsenic, thallium all bio-accumulate & make us sick. I poent several years chelating it out of myself.. Thallium doesn’t chelate but potassium takes it out…eventually.
I do no want an ebook. Is there a book form available. I’d rather purchase this as a book.
Dr. Naomi Wolf (Hero of our Times) said on Steve Bannon’s Warroom on Real America’s Voice that the paperback edition will soon be available on You can also buy Dr. Wolf’s published book on which I plan to do as well.
Hello – Kate here. We are in the process of making a hard copy available soon. Stay tuned for the announcement!
A paperback will be available in about 2 to 3 weeks.
YOu can order the PDF also. I did , and now waiting for the paperback!
I tried purchasing this Kindle eBook directly on Amazon app. It was not available.on the Amazon app. I was able to buy it through the link you provided on
I just checked Amazon and found it here: War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal
I am finding it very difficult to find War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal in book form, I don’t do pdf because it is difficult to look at screens, I need the book.
Dr. Naomi Wolf (Hero of our Times) said on Steve Bannon’s Warroom on Real America’s Voice that the paperback edition will soon be available on You can also buy Dr. Wolf’s published book on which I plan to do as well.
Hello – Kate here. At the moment we only have PDF and Kindle versions of the book available. However, we are working on making a hard copy available as well. Stay tuned for that announcement!