PLAINTIFFS NEEDED in Lawsuit Countering Vaccine Misinformation

Prepared by Attorney George Smith
Daily Clout is sponsoring litigation to fight back against the information warfare campaign being waged by the United States government against its own people. The goal of the lawsuit is to stop the well-orchestrated, highly successful government disinformation campaign that overrides informed consent, usurps parental rights, violates the constitutional right to bodily integrity and freedom of speech. By wresting control of the narrative from the government, the American people will know the truth about the “vaccines” and that shall set us free.
PLAINTIFFS ARE NEEDED for a holistic lawsuit against the Biden Administration, the pharmaceutical companies and the Ad Council (which crafts and sponsors ‘Public Service” Advertisements that target children as young as 3 years of age) to end the coercion and deception that is at the root of the government’s efforts to implement a universal COVID-19 “vaccination” policy. The recent FDA approval of the Moderna and Pfizer “vaccines” for children ages 6 months and older underscores the need for immediate action.
Lawsuit Summary:
The lawsuit will seek injunctive and declaratory relief to stop a wide range of unconstitutional government action, action designed to force universal “vaccination” on the American people. It will target the “public service” ads touting the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines”—especially those directed to children who are at a statistically insignificant risk of hospitalization or death from COVID-19. Unlike every other drug and every other vaccine ad, these “public service” ads are run without disclaimers or warnings, fail to disclose known potential risks of the “vaccines” and present a false and misleading message on the benefits of “vaccination”—especially those insidiously targeting children.
In addition to the “public service” ads, CDC guidance has accounted for the imposition of “vaccine” mandates at educational institutions across the country, by public and private employers, and torn at the social fabric of this nation. The lawsuit will also target the highly successful government takeover of the flow of information to the public through censorship and ad buying. Stopping messaging that is false and misleading and requiring full disclosure of the risks and benefits of the “vaccines” will have a ripple effect on a number of coercive measures being employed to force universal “vaccination” on the American people. Employers and educational institutions will have no government guidance on which they can rely to justify imposition of “vaccine” mandates.
Patients have been denied access to early intervention therapeutics like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine because an effective early treatment would increase “vaccine” hesitancy, reduce the death toll and diminish the fear and panic that was ginned up during the pandemic to sell the “vaccines.” The lawsuit will target the FDA’s unlawful damning of these drugs which has resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths. Hospitals, doctors and pharmacies across this nation will not permit patient access to these drugs. Access to these drugs is absolutely critical. Ordering the FDA to retract its unlawful “guidance” to state medical and pharmaceutical boards will open up access to these early intervention therapies.
Depending on the state in which the action is filed, state law claims for damages and attorney’s fees may be pursued as well for violation of state consumer protection laws.
Qualifications of plaintiffs:
Associational or individual plaintiffs should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Parent Associations as plaintiffs would be ideal. Otherwise, parents of school age children (including infants and toddlers in day care or preschool):
- Who live in a state where ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine will not be prescribed by PCPs or local hospitals and local pharmacies will not fill prescriptions for those drugs to treat COVID-19;
- Who work for an employer that mandates “vaccination” and boosters or who reasonably fear imposition of a “vaccine” mandate in the future;
- Who are “unvaccinated” or who have not received booster shots;
- Who have been excluded from family gatherings, lost friends or playmates for their children due to their “vaccination” status;
- Who have withdrawn their child from school due to “vaccine” mandates or had/has a child who attends school where vaccine mandates were previously imposed or are threatened or likely to be imposed;
- Who reside within the jurisdiction of the U.S. 5th or 6th Circuit Court of Appeals preferably within the jurisdiction of one of the following district courts:
- Eastern District of Tennessee
- Southern District of Mississippi
- Eastern or Western District of Texas
- Southern District of Ohio, Western Division
- Medical Associations or doctors who live in a state where ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine cannot be prescribed or who have been threatened with disciplinary action, loss of hospital privileges, or termination of employment for prescribing these drugs or criticizing the “vaccines” and/or the government response to COVID-19.
- Who have been subject to “vaccine” mandate or are in reasonable fear of being subjected to a “vaccine” mandate.
- Who are parents and who meet one or more of the criteria listed under 1. Above.
Anyone who is interested in considering joining this lawsuit as a plaintiff should contact Amy Kelly via email at
Caveat: The lawsuit is essentially a public interest lawsuit and plaintiffs should not expect to be compensated in money damages if the lawsuit is successful.
It is an ergonioius abuse of power for governments and pharmaceutical companies to coerce individuals, especially children, into a vaccine or any medical treatment without long term studies and then to deliberately hide the side effects of that it causes from the public and punish those who are trying to help others understand the potential side effects just so these companies and governments can make money, from the sick and dead!! This is awful! And it is genocide plain and simple to hide these facts from the public
I am a cancer patient that was going thru chemotherapy when the government started pushing the vaccine. I asked the CDC if the virus or the vaccine could survive the poisons being injected in my body for chemo. The reply was we don’t know, but you are high risk and need the vaccine. I refused vaccine and now if I need emergency care, my medical field is stamped ” UNVACCINATED “.
Now they say not to get vaccinated if your immune system is compromised.