Persecuted Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan: “If Twenty Percent of the Medical Profession Stood Up, This Would End!”

Dr. Jeyanthi Kundhasan is a valued member 0f the Warroom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis and Research Team. Dr. Kunadhasan is the lead author on “Report 42, Pfizer’s EUA Granted Based on Fewer Than 0.4% of Clinical Trial Participants. FDA Ignored Disqualifying Protocol Deviations to Grant EUA” and subsequently wrote two articles in Spectator Australia explaining her findings in the Pfizer documents.
Dr. Kunadhasan is an anesthetist and perioperative physician from Victoria, Australia. She was the first female chair on the medical board of her hospital for two years, as well as a chair on an advisory board for the State. Dr. Kunadhasan had an exceptional record, with zero disciplinary actions or notices. What follows is the timeline of events that led to her being singled out and persecuted. Dr. Kunadhasan joined the DailyClout to discuss the timeline of her findings and the investigation into her career.
December 2021- Dr. Kunadhasan Was FiredÂ
Dr. Kunadhasan got fired from her position over COVID vaccine mandates. When mandates were rolled out, Dr. Kunadhasan requested a risk assessment. Her goal in doing so was to warn her employer at the time about the risks of the shots, while at the same time trying to keep her job and avoid taking the injection herself. Unfortunately, instead of taking a pause and considering Dr. Kunadhasan’s request, in December 2021, Dr. Kunadhasan was fired by her employer.
With unexpected available hours, Dr. Kunadhasan kept herself busy behind the scenes, fighting for medical ethics, and trying to preserve the integrity of her profession. Dr. Kunadhasan joined the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS), which is a union of doctors in Australia who resisted mandatory COVID vaccination and were willing to speak up for their convictions. AMPS organized the first public medical conference that addressed COVID policy concerns.
May 2022 – Dr. Kunadhasan Got to WorkÂ
In addition to joining the AMPS, Dr. Kunadhasan immediately answered the call from Dr. Naomi Wolf and Mr. Steve Bannon, when they requested volunteers to study the newly released Pfizer documents. Dr. Kunadhasan has been instrumental in researching the documents and published significant findings.
August 2022 – Dr. Kunadhasan Spoke OutÂ
Dr. Kunadhasan spoke publicly for the first time, at an anti-lockdown rally. A vaccine-injured DJ had publicized his experience with five different neurologists who told him that they believe his injuries could be vaccine-related, but every single one refused to officially diagnose and record it as such, leaving the patient untreated. Dr. Kunadhasan spoke up in defense of the young man and said that she does not think that it’s honorable for people in the medical profession to privately tell their patients one thing, yet refuse to officially declare or treat the diagnosis.
November 2022 – Dr. Kunadhasan Received Notice of Investigation
Shortly after Dr. Kunadhasan publicly spoke out, she received a notice from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) that she was under investigation, and her medical license was up for review, at the request of an anonymous notifier. She’s been suffering through this “investigation” ever since then.

Dr. Kunadhasan has two questions for the AHPRA regarding her investigation:
- What is the exact transgression that Dr. Kunadhasan is being accused of? There is no specific action detailed in the notification.
- Has due diligence been done on the anonymous source of the complaint against Dr. Kunadhasan?
December 2022- Dr. Kunadhasan Published An Article in the Spectator AustraliaÂ
Dr. Kunadhasan was the primary author of Report 42 in the Warroom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis and Research Book. After the report was published, Dr. Kunadhasan wrote her first of two articles in Spectator Australia, both of which can be found here.
May 2023 – A Final HearingÂ
Dr. Kunadhasan was recently notified that there’s a chance her case will come before a review board as soon as next week, where the fate of her flawless career will be in the hands of bureaucrats.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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The doctors that do not stand against this genocide should be tried and sentenced to a daily dose of their poison while incarcerated.
Why are uneducated politicians making decisions on medical issues? Need to get medicine out of the lying corrupt government’s hands.
At first I documented what happened to wife, a doctor of 25 years, after she got sick to inspire people to get better informed about health services. Now after covid, I think health care professionals ought to read what happened to us. Help me get my message out.