New Media is King 👑

The Medical Freedom Movement consists of countless people who have used the past three years to learn, communicate, research, and most of all, build. They’ve built powerful parallel movements that allow people the freedom to access both information and optimal healthcare.
Media is changing in front of our eyes. Legacy media is collapsing, with long-time anchors being dismissed right and left, amidst cratering ratings. New media has been waiting in the wings, building strength and learning the rules of the game. I think its time has arrived.
We’re universally trapped in a high-stakes, fast-moving War of Information. A carefully crafted network of powerful corporations spends billions of dollars to march out narratives and police the sphere of information to ensure their acceptance by the masses.
This has been going on at least since technology allowed mass media to become prevalent, with powerful figures and entities vying for control over the minds of the people. Social media mass adoption ushered in an age that changed the game. I will forever find it miraculous that we have the ability to instantly and constantly connect to the world, share information, and use digital technology as a window into stories everywhere.
A Digital Conundrum
The ability to mass-communicate has seemingly thrown the long-time controllers of mainstream narratives into a conundrum. On one hand, in order to spread a narrative as far and wide as possible, the “powers that be” need everyday people to have digital communication access. On the other hand, that access gives everyday people the power of information-sharing at lightning speed. It appears that while the Big Tech companies benefited greatly from shoving us all into our homes, in doing so they sped up the process of “underground information networks” organizing into media machines of their own right, posing a formidable threat to previous narrative controllers.
There are multiple “lightning rod” issues that instantly dictate within which media sphere one operates. COVID is a crystal clear example of exactly how the narrative controllers operate, and looking at it from a 30,000-foot view, it’s pretty simple. There are two sides, and two narratives happening at the same time:
A. Legacy Media Grabs Power
- Giant corporations create products and/or agendas that they have a deep interest in pushing onto people in the billions, as globalization has allowed for, creating previously unimaginable wealth, power, and control.
- Said corporations already have so much money and government influence that it’s relatively easy and financially worth it for figures loyal to the corporations to purchase the largest media sources, and completely filter content to fit their agenda.
- Corporations in cooperation with governments all over the Western world take it a step further and actively attempt to control which voices may reach the public and which voices may not.
- Narrative Control Freaks create buzzwords to avoid debate and smear those they’ve exiled with labels such as “racist”, “far-right”,”anti-vaxxer”, “misinformation-spreader”, “quack”, “fringe doctor” and more. Of course, the words don’t actually define those they’ve labeled, but once the shadow has been cast, dissidents are verboten to those who wish to remain within the narrative.
B. New Media Pushes BackÂ
- Free-thinkers and true liberals all over the world recognized the global emergence of a non-sensical narrative early on in the COVID era. They spoke out in protest individually, or even simply questioned the story being told, and were systematically knocked off every relevant digital town square.
- As this repeated itself over and over, the tentacles of illegal government-led censorship swallowed up journalists, doctors, scientists, academics, economists, data analysts, and medical specialists in a variety of fields into a black hole labeled “COVID dissidents”
- The censored “COVID Dissidents” organized themselves in a spectacular fashion using “underground media” which generally consists of companies that are smaller, whose owners are closer to the users than those of the Big Tech companies, such as Gettr, Rumble, Substack, and Telegram, creating a strong and vibrant Medical Freedom movement.
- The Medical Freedom Movement consists of countless people who have used the past three years to learn, communicate, research, and most of all, build. They’ve built powerful parallel movements that allow people the freedom to access both information and optimal healthcare.
- For a growing number of people, the parallel systems that are still in their infancy are slowly but surely replacing the systems we all participated in pre-COVID.
- The Medical Freedom Movement has created and continues to create an archive of information and data that will be used to push back against the narrative control freaks for years to come.
Legacy Media and their partners have most definitely woken up to the serious possibility of the narrative control slipping away from them. They continue to hold endless Zoom meetings and wring their hands in wordy, peer-reviewed publications over how much of a problem “misinformation” is causing them.
The Death of Legacy Media
Legacy media is going through a self-inflicted shakeup that’s so destructive, it’s possible we’ll see a definitive end to some decades-old legacy media companies. In the last year or so, we’ve seen a steady march of once-household names exit the door of their media companies for the final time, and major networks are experiencing astonishing levels of plummeting ratings, on both sides of the political aisle.
Fox News:Â The decision by Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson, their highest-rated anchor, resulted in an instant decrease in ratings by more than 50%.
CNN:Â CNN has been hemorrhaging viewers for years. It reached a 7-year low earlier this year, averaging less than half a million viewers for weekday audiences.
Legacy Media Destroyed Themselves, and Here’s How:Â
- No Longer Celebrities: Legacy media is stuck in an era that no longer exists for anyone in key media demographics and younger, as well as many people across generations that have shifted along with the digital era. No longer are anchors on TV seen as untouchable celebrities, and people aren’t interested in getting news from untouchable celebrities. TV anchors are regarded with either indifference or outright disrespect, now that viewers understand how deeply captured mainstream media is.
- Owned by Pharma: Legacy media was “brought to you by… Pfizer”, as almost every news anchor that’s ever been on TV has told you at one point or another. I say that tongue in cheek, but the reality is that legacy media outlets are wholly owned by gigantic corporations that have tremendous influence over the workings of society, and those networks keep a direct open line of communication with governments, effectively destroying their claim to be working as an independent free press.
Recognizing and Resisting the Noose of Censorship
While mainstream media corporations desperately throw billions at saving their dying influence, the noose of censorship is growing tighter, as panic and realization set in. We, the people, must do everything we can to avoid getting stuck in a web of censorship so that we can continue to communicate and share information quickly. The best way for us to do so is by building out our own networks.
The acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk is a still-unfolding story, but whatever lies ahead, one thing is true- he opened a door that cannot be shut. Mr. Musk brought countless COVID dissidents back to life on Twitter and has overall allowed the conversation to flow freely. Mr. Musk also presented the Twitter Files, via journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, which contain incredibly valuable information that will never be put back inside a box. With Twitter as a center for smaller networks to meet and share information, constantly driving new viewers to their own networks, New Media has become explosive with numbers rivaling and often surpassing those of old legacy media outlets.
Once you learn to recognize the signs of how the media gaslights the public, you can never unsee it, and the anchors whining for attention and authority will appear to be so clown-like that they lose instant credibility:
- Journalist Michael Shellenberger has done incredible in-depth reporting on the Censorship Industrial Complex.
- Mr. Tom Elliot put together a compilation of the COVID class calling the unvaccinated horrific names, by people who have been “brought to you by… Pfizer”.
- The COVID class openly discusses the desire to police the speech of Tucker Carlson, once unrestrained by Fox News.
- The COVID Censorship Class went apoplectic when CNN platformed Trump. Their reaction showcases their absolute desperation at losing control.
New Media Solutions – Introducing Communities!Â
The Media Landscape is currently RIPE with opportunity.
New media is growing as small news channels and independent journalists pick up viewers that become aware of the corporate lies and propaganda spewed by legacy channels. I’m so grateful to have joined one of the most important independent media companies of this wild era, the DailyClout. Dr. Naomi Wolf, The Amazing Amy Kelly, and their incredible team have broken story after story of the truth behind the disastrous COVID vaccine rollout, and who knew what when. In other words, they are acting as true journalists and holding powerful people to account by exposing the crimes that have been committed against humanity.
DailyClout is excited to present a way for our readership to stay connected with each other, and easily share content and information at the same time. Communities will be a leader in social media news aggregation and dispatch. Once you build your personal Community, you can post your content or message on your feed which allows for comments and conversation, while instantly duplicating your post on a wide variety of platforms. Mainstream platforms such as Twitter and Instagram are included, as well as “new media” participants such as Rumble and Gettr, allowing our underground social networks to grow even more robust and continue to break into the mainstream.
Stay tuned for updates!
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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