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March 10, 2017

Is President Trump’s Continued Family Control of his Business Violating the Part of the Constitution that Forbids Presidents from Taking Bribes from Foreign Powers?

When President Donald Trump was elected, he promised that he would “drain the swamp” of corrupt politicians in Washington D.C. As it turns out, however, the President’s currently-maintained ties to the Trump Organization, his business empire, may be more than just a potentially corrupting conflict of interest — they might in …

March 2, 2017

Are Banks Improperly Keeping Your Money?

March 2, 2017

Your Bank Must Make Your Deposited Funds Available to You — Federal Reserve Confirms

Hi DailyClout Community, Four alarm posting! Please share! We spoke on the Naomi Wolf Facebook page yesterday about how US banks are hiding the notices they are legally forced to post, of the limits on them around holding back the availability of funds from your deposited checks. As I noted yesterday, millions and millions …

February 27, 2017

Who Is Luther Strange? — Alabama’s Mysterious Unelected Senator

Did you know that we have a Senator sitting in the Senate who was hand-picked by a Governor — and who who has never actually been elected? That’s the unexpected case with Luther Strange — a Republican Senator who now represents Alabama, though he was never voted by Alabamans. More than that: some people think …

February 24, 2017

Commemorating Muhammad Ali — An African American Muslim Who Refused to Be Silenced

On January 17th, 2017 Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT) introduced a Federal bill that, if it passes, will order coins to be minted in commemoration of an African American Muslim who played a significant role in our country’s cultural history — Muhammad Ali. Ali – who was an American professional boxer and an activist known for …

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