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January 12, 2021

Opinion: “Dr Naomi Wolf and Academic Whistleblower Dr Simon Goddek Discuss the One-Day Peer Review for COVID Test Research Paper and the Academic Persecution Faced by Scientists”

Watch Dr Naomi Wolf’s Discussion With Dr Simon Goddek HERE Dr Simon Goddek, researcher in agroponics at the Wageningen University & Research, gives DailyClout an exclusive interview about a huge news story: he posted a thread on Twitter pointing out that the scientific paper that supported the accuracy of the …

January 12, 2021

Opinion: “Don’t Expect A Peaceful Transfer Of Power: The Ongoing Suspension Of The Rule Of Law – Watch Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Discussion with’s Senior Correspondent, Julianna Forlano”

Watch Dr. Naomi Wolf’s January 4, 2021 Discussion with’s Senior Correspondent, Julianna Forlano HERE.  

January 12, 2021

Opinion: “Everything You Wanted To Know About In The New Stimulus Bill”

  As an update to my October 15, 2020 “The New Stimulus Bill Won’t Deliver: Not In the Long-Term”, my break-down of the massive 5,593 page Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, signed into law on December 27, 2020, leaves me still to wonder where the stimulus that would ensure a robust …

January 9, 2021

Opinion: “Is America’s Voting System Democratic?”

From the moment the Republican party replaced the Whig party in 1860, they and the Democratic party went on to win nearly every election up and down the ballot until the present day. This domination by a pair of parties is known as a political duopoly. In this 160 year …

January 7, 2021

Opinion: “The Disturbing Truth About The Stimulus Bill: Watch Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Discussion with’s Senior Correspondent, Julianna Forlano”

Watch Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Discussion on HERE   Everything You Wanted To Know…Or Not…In The New Stimulus Bill by Charlotte Walker   January 7, 2021 The new stimulus bill, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 signed into law on December 27, 2020, is a massive 5,593 page document which bundles several …

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