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July 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Serious neurological damage associated with COVID shots

  READ Pete Bianco’s article in Utica Phoenix (an independent newsmagazine)

July 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Sticks, Not Carrots: Vaccines Must Be Forced, Says Indiana University Health Chief

  Vaccine mandates are coming. Good, said Indiana University chief health officer Aaron E. Carroll.  “When it comes to incentives, most people like carrots,” Carroll wrote in his New York Times essay. “Sometimes, though, people need sticks.” READ Alice Salles’ article in Mises Institute

July 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: French health pass: Cafes, restaurants risk €45,000 fine if no check

  Restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theatres, shopping centres and more could be liable for fines and one year in prison under proposed laws READ Joanna York’s article in The Connexion [French news and views]

July 20, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Health Advocacy Group Asks Federal Court to Strike Down CDC’s Traveler Mask Mandate

  A watchdog group is suing the U.S. government in federal court over its ongoing mask mandate that it says is based on medical quackery and needlessly forces travelers to don face masks that do little to combat the CCP virus that causes the disease COVID-19. READ Mathew Vadum’s article in The …

July 19, 2021

“OPINION”: Australia’s Indue Card – Income management of Welfare Recipients

  With a looming spring election Prime Minister Scott Morrison is already in campaign mode, Australian pensioners are anxious Morrison will be re-elected and are mindful of recent cuts to Medicare services and the financial impact they will bear, if there are more cuts to aged care services. Because, on …

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