Big Fights Ahead in 2022

Dear DailyClout Community,
I want to take a moment to congratulate you on an extraordinary past six months as activists/leaders in this DailyClout community, and I want to show you what we achieved together in 2021, as well as alert you to the big fights ahead in 2022.
Some highlights of 2021:
The Five Freedoms Campaign, launched by us all in April of 2021, was featured repeatedly on national news media, ranging from Steve Bannon’s WarRoom (125 million downloads), to Eric Metaxas’ national podcast, to Tucker Carlson’s news show on Fox News. We commissioned a distinguished Constitutional lawyer, Deana Sacks, to draft five model bills to defend our liberties, now under unprecedented assault. This is an approach that we have helped to spearhead; and DailyClout – and you – have shown how powerfully it works.
These five model bills served to: ban mask mandates; restore freedom of assembly; open schools immediately; ban vaccine passports; and end emergency laws, which had been passed in 47 states when we began our campaign.
DailyClout mobilized YOU in all fifty states to send these model bills with cover letters to your state representatives. We also added a layer of media exposure, showcasing day by day the legislators who did the right thing, the legislators who tried to suppress these liberties, and reported live from Statehouses where these bills were under discussion. We also published YOUR letters to your representatives, with your permission, so that they knew that transparency was the only option, and that citizens were watching their decisions.
DailyClout travelled twice cross-country – we brought cameras and reporting into the Michigan statehouse, and we presented live testimony there; we reported live from the Maine statehouse, and headlined a freedom rally on the Capitol steps, with Rep Heidi Sampson and others. We spoke to 80 state reps convened by Rep Sampson about the Five Freedoms campaign and the dangers of vaccine passports. We drove to the New Hampshire statehouse and recorded live citizen testimony, and we liaised with State Rep Melissa Blasek from NH as well. Lastly we drove to Oregon, where we coordinated reporting with State Rep Kim Thatcher and State Rep Dennis Linthicum, who were calling for a grand jury investigation of CDC malfeasance in misreporting the data from the COVID crisis.
In each case, our live footage and interviews were edited by our gifted video team and sent all over the internet. In a time when local news has been disabled, and few news outlets cover statehouses at all, we, and YOU – taking action as citizens – succeeded in passing “NO VACCINE PASSPORT/ NO VACCINE MANDATE” bills in 33 states in the United States.
We also covered the day by day battles of attorneys general to stop Pres. Biden’s vaccine mandates at the Federal level. By changing the culture, I believe we can say we had an impact on the environment in which the Supreme Court made its historic (if incomplete) decision to roll back the vaccine mandate for about 80 million Americans who would not otherwise have had their freedom of choice protected.
In each case, your donations – whether five dollars or fifty dollars or five hundred dollars – made all the difference. Your donations allowed us to hire editors, to pay videographers and cameramen and women, and to pay for hosting costs, even as many major voices and news outlets were being deplatformed. You made a huge difference in defending American liberty in 2021.
There are too many other important stories that DailyClout broke – with your help – to list, but other high points include following the targeting of parents at school board meetings – which we attended with a camera in tow; breaking the (suppressed) story of vaccine’ effect on menstrual dysregulation (ten months later confirmed by the New York Times); and training hundreds of viewers to fight vaccine mandates in their own workplaces.
I predicted all of this in 2021, I hate to acknowledge. And I can tell you what the big fights will be in 2022.
This may sound like a dire prediction, but history shows that at this point in a closing democracy, voting integrity is targeted. This is not a partisan issue – all citizens – left, right and center – should want the integrity of the vote to be protected. We will host webinars on how YOU can be citizen observers and voter registrants to make sure the vote is counted, and how you can inform YOUR friends and neighbors locally about voting sites, times, and processes, so that we are not at the mercy of Big Tech targeting information demographically – a story that DailyClout also broke.
Expect more of these in 2022. DailyClout is among the few news sites actually to READ THE BILLS, and as a result we gave early warnings about discriminatory or corrupt funds allocation in bills ranging from the Green New Deal to the CARES Act (again we are nonpartisan). Expect more sneaky disenfranchising or bribing language in legislation in 2022, and count on us to expose it in time to correct bad bills and to make them better.
We can’t buy your generator or stock your CSA for you (and we are not “preppers”), but supply chain problems and grid problems are real; DailyClout will alert you to the fact that at this point in a closing society, power outages are to be expected – they disrupt communications and disempower citizens; and food supply problems can be expected as well. We will report on local agricultural and food supply solutions and highlight other challenges before MSM is likely to do so, so that you are protected and prepared for every eventuality.
Remember that last year this time I was warning about “vaccine passports” and everyone was skeptical; well, all of Europe and Australia, Canada, NZ etc are now enduring this cruel technology and our nation has been protected in many ways by our activism together. So I will keep shining a light on challenges and forms of tyranny to expect in the year ahead.
It’s clear that our schools and universities are sites of contestation for different agendas and ideologies that are not strictly academic. DailyClout will continue to “follow the money” and report on who is influencing school curricula and abusive treatment of kids in our schools, from where the money is deriving, and how parents can empower themselves to protect their children.
I could list more stress points to expect in 2022, but as a member of the DailyClout community, you will always benefit from the prescient, authoritative, and honest reporting you will receive here long before you can find these issues covered elsewhere.
We see that in 2022, the battles have been blocked or redirected in many ways at the Federal level (that is not a partisan observation) and thus are devolving now to the State level. We also see that millions are fleeing surveilled, censorious Big Tech platforms to move to “free tech” platforms, and we see massive deplatforming of voices and organizations from Big Tech (and even now Big Finance). So we have some timely and exciting news….
This is a groundbreaking new product on our site that will let you and/or your organization become powerful lobbyists even if you are on a very tight budget.
Thank you, thank you, my friends, fellow peaceful warriors and wonderful Americans and global lovers of democracy, for your brave and effective action in 2021.
Please continue to support and sustain DailyClout – or please even raise the level of your 2021 giving to match the challenges ahead in 2022 – and please continue to act on behalf of liberty in 2022.
You have made all the difference.
Dr Naomi Wolf, CEO
Craig Klein, CRO
Breeauna Sagdal, Associate Editor
And the DailyClout Team
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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Terrific work!
There are good aspects to this article. Wondering if you know about the UK and the fact that there are no more mask mandates, no vaccine cards/passports required, no more vaccine mandates and they are leaving things up to individuals. They are calling an endemic.
Daily Clout is a fresh bubbling spring in the midst of a desert of mirages. Thank you for the incredible work each of you contribute to bring Truth to the conversation. My $upport for Daily Clout is included in my monthly budget, hope more do the same.