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July 30, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Broadway Audiences Will Need Proof of Vaccination and Masks

  Children under 12, who cannot be vaccinated, can show a negative test to attend. But the Metropolitan Opera and Carnegie Hall plan to bar them for now. READ Michael Paulson’s article in The New York Times  

July 30, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: New Hampshire Gov. Rejects Imposing Mask Mandate After CDC Reversal

  READ Tom Ozimek’s article in The Epoch Times  

July 30, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Naomi Wolf on Censorship, Vaccine Passports, and the Reversal of ‘My Body, My Choice’

  WATCH Dr Naomi Wolf and Jan Jekielek on Epoch TV

July 30, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Big Pharma And Big Tech Are Going Crazy

  WATCH Dr Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon on the War Room

July 30, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Naomi Wolf Explains How Women May Be at Risk Taking the Vaccine and Who’s Behind the P.R. Push

  WATCH Dr Naomi Wolf on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

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