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June 9, 2023

The Mainstream Media and Medical Convention

From Dr. Naomi Wolf: Tomorrow morning, Saturday 10th June at 6:45 am EST, I will be speaking, via live stream, alongside three of the world’s most important voices in Perth, Western Australia. Esteemed Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, Banker & Author Ed Dowd, Julian Assange’s father John Shipton, and I will …

June 9, 2023

How Not to Become a Sociopath: The “Rest of America” and the Role of Joy

Were Liberal Elites So Cruel Because They Have No Fun? Does having fun in your life protect you from becoming a sociopath? Since 2020, we have witnessed charming, well-educated, “civilized” people all around us — especially from what my husband calls (as others do) “the laptop class” — reveal, during …

June 8, 2023

Dr. McCullough: Healthy People are Dying of Myocarditis

What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe  Dr. Peter McCullough was one of the most outspoken and bravest leaders during the pandemic, and today he is continuing his work to keep Americans healthy and safe in this new post-pandemic era.  As America’s leading cardiologist, Dr. McCullough wasn’t afraid …

June 7, 2023

BUSTED!! CDC is Fraudulently Doctoring Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death by Leaving Out The Corresponding ICD 10 Code

Originally published on the author’s Substack, Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti Someone (who needs to remain anonymous) was able to obtain the death certificates from Minnesota for all deaths that occurred from 2015 to the present, which presented the opportunity to see if the CDC is being entirely honest about the …

June 7, 2023

FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does

Is the FDA doing science or peddling narratives? Because it looks like the agency has been caught in one of the biggest lies of the century. “It seems like the messaging that’s coming down to us, the American citizens, from our own Federal government, resembles the world of George …

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