A Student’s Perspective on COVID-19 Vaccination from US Congressional Testimony

Written by James Friday
Medical Freedom
20 January 2024
Observations From my First Visit to Capitol Hill
Since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, I have followed the medical freedom movement. I attended the Defeat the Mandates rally in Washington, D.C. on January 23, 2022-I met with and took pictures with a few of the doctors who spoke at the event. I found out about the event through The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Later on that year, in April, I attended the Save a Generation tour event in Jacksonville, Florida where I connected further with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Ryan Cole.
I was invited to attend the latest hearing on January 12th by Dr. Peter McCullough at the Capitol building in DC. The hearing was conducted by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia’s 14th congressional district. She was accompanied by Congressmen Ron Johnson, Andy Biggs, and Warren Davidson. The topic of this hearing focused on blood-related adverse events as it relates to post COVID-vaccination. Dr. Peter McCullough was accompanied by Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Kirk Milhoan. Each doctor laid out the negative effects of the spike protein from the COVID vaccine through the perspective of their medical expertise-all the while meticulously citing each observation with papers from the preprint servers.

Dr. Milhoan referenced the Hippocratic Oath and 1 Timothy 1:5-7 as the basis for his modus operandi within medical practice. The medical community could use more of this; however, because this is not the case, this hearing and the like are occurring in order to inform the public about what they are not hearing from mainstream media. It is because of the bravery and courage from these distinguished doctors and others like them-that we as Americans and those around the world can gain invaluable wisdom and insight on how to properly care for our own bodies.
Dr. McCullough observed the fact that before the pandemic the number of myocarditis cases were roughly between 200 to 400 cases per year-now after the COVID vaccine rollout, the cases of myocarditis are in the thousands. In addition, McCullough and his colleagues discovered that the death rate from myocarditis is 0.22 percent with a range of 0.41 to 45.9 percent. Mr. McCullough renewed his call to remove the vaccines from the market due to them being unsafe. Another way to lessen the effect of COVID-19, influenza, and the common cold is through nasal sprays and oral rinses with dilute povidone-iodine. In addition, the movie Oppehemier was referenced in relation to the angst that J. Robert Oppenhiemer felt towards the release of a dangerous nuclear weapon. More citizens should be alarmed by the release of the latest gene-alternating vaccines, and the other plans for it outlined by the World Economic Forum.
Senator Johnson asked “why is the rest of the medical community still silent?” Well, is not that the million-dollar question quite literally. Dr. Milhoan answered in part with “many of his colleagues will say that Kirk you’re right, but I am not going to stick my head out. I am going to work two or more years then I am going to retire. Dr. Cole answered next by citing “fear is the simple answer,” and “that the number of the people who have spoken out have mostly been independent, and those who weren’t independent did pay that price-they lost their jobs for speaking the truth.” As a result of restricting early treatment, blackmailing employees and patients to get vaxxed, and ultimately succumbing to the dictates of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex–many patients have lost their lives or became vaccine-injured, and whole host of other issues and problems that could have been easily avoided; however at the very least, mitigated. These statements made by the doctors are emblematic of the psychology of how the average citizen responds to a global crisis. What will the next psychological operation be and how many people from each country will fall for it this time?
James Friday is a senior student at Liberty University completing a post baccalaureate before application to medical school. He also wants to attend law school after medicine. He grew up in North Carolina and is seeking a future combining medicine and law.
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