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December 8, 2023

Students Arise: New Group Says No To COVID Tyranny

College student Lauren Palmer describes her experience with COVID-19 mandates on college campuses and the hypocrisy of college and university mission statements that include “truth” and “critical thinking” and yet ignore or are silent in response to student concerns regarding COVID-19 injection mandates. Palmer is currently working with a small …

December 8, 2023

REVEALED: A Time-Tested Solution for Women Suffering the Pandemic Toll

Recent health scares from many sources, have underscored how fragile our well-being can be. This is especially true for women in general, and for mothers in particular —a group already often navigating the complexities of family demands along with jobs and careers. For the first time in generations, women’s life …

December 8, 2023

Why Do Men Take Credit For Women’s Work?   Men take credit for women’s work for one reason: because they can. it’s just one of the many injustices women endure simply because they’re female. Being unequal under the law has plagued women in all countries for generations – and has left women vulnerable to second-class treatment in …

December 8, 2023

“Blurring the Lines Between Men and Women is Dangerous”

Dear DailyClout, I am a woman. If I am walking down the street and I encounter a man I don’t know, I don’t care whether he’s white, black, brown, tall, short, young, or old, I will not trust him. Instinctively. I don’t know who he is or what he wants …

December 8, 2023

CCP’s Vax, PLA in the US, and Dr. Henry Ealy on The Grand Jury Initiative

On this episode, JJ Carrell has disgusting news: his source says the Border Patrol agents are being asked to bring cleaning supplies from home to clean up the illegals’ bio-messes. Brian O’Shea has made an incredibly dark discovery about the CCP’s role in Vax production, packaging, and distribution around the …

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