LIVE: We The People Grand Jury Initiative

Oregon State Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum along with Dr. Henry Ealy filed this Grand Jury Petition and are represented by Steven Joncus. This case can best be described as a We The People Grand Jury Initiative to establish once and for all that Grand Juries belong to We The People and do have the power to hold criminal acts by elected and appointed officials to account both peacefully and legally.
Since March 12, 2020, the members of this team have compiled over 1,000 pages of evidence demonstrating that named appointed officials have committed alleged acts of criminal data fraud and willful misconduct in respect to their violation of the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act.
Don’t let the names of those acts diminish their importance to the American People. The Administrative Procedure Act ensures that all government agencies follow the same laws, making them beholden to We The People. The Paperwork Reduction Act ensures that all agencies have oversight and that We The People are afforded the opportunity for public
comment before any changes are made to how data is collected, analyzed and published. The Information Quality Act ensures that the data that is published is of the highest accuracy and comes directly from government sources, not from Microsoft projections or outside non-profit organizations as happened during the COVID crisis.
In 2020, they allege and substantiate the allegations that each of these laws was violated by the named persons heading up the agencies that published fraudulent data relative to COVID cases counts, hospital counts, and death counts. This fraudulent data was used to perpetuate the misappropriation of over $3.5 Trillion in US taxpayer funds between March 2020 and March 2022.
December 5 was supposed to be the first day of oral arguments, but the judge decided he had all of the information he needed to reach a decision. What will that decision be? To catch up on where this petition is going and ask any questions you may have, please join Dr. Ealy and Senators Linthicum and Thatcher on December 5th at 5pm PT on Beyond The Con where this event is being Live Streamed.