Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By CCP And Present In Covid Vax, Are Changing Human Beings At The Core

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By The CCP And Present In The Covid Vaccine, Are Changing Human Beings At The Core
In this video, Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Steve Bannon on War Room to discuss.
Sorry the above comment is so disaranged you cannot see the typing at all thank you for understanding God bless you all especially for all the work you do love you all from Florida
I was refused a blood draw at Quest Labs in Newport Beach, CA yesterday because I wouldn’t wear a mask. I was told by phlebotomist that all medical facilities still require masks.. So, why does Fauci not need a mask to get a booster vax?
It’s all a game to them – the masks, tests, and the shots. I would not be surprised if NIH/Fauci checked the lot# of the shot to verify it is not one of the dangerous 5% that is causing nearly all the deaths and injuries.
Haha. Fraudci got saline. .
Fauci got the placebo, there is no doubt in my mind.
Watch Kamala get vaxxed. Notice that just before the nurse gives it, she holds the syringe behind Kamala. (maybe to hide the fact that she is squirting the contents out?) Then, notice how Kamala holds her sleeve just low enough so that you cannot see the needle actually go in. The weirdest of all is the nurse’s actions:. Keep your eye on the needle ALL THE WAY TO THE END. It looks like she wipes the needle on the arm of the chair and at one point, the needle is 90 degrees from the syringe and then the nurse fiddles with it at the arm of the chair to make it straight again. I have no Idea how one could do that unless maybe the syringe is fake and rubber. I guess a magician would know. Watch that part over and over again until you see it. Nearly everyone I have shown it to, does not see it at all untll I pause it every second to point it out.