Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders

Why We Will Never Forget—Nor Let You

“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
—Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter & Forgetting: A Novel (Kindle, paperback, hardcover, audiobook)
You want to know why so many people erupt when you say you “didn’t know,” you “were doing [your] best,” and “mistakes were made” so we should forget about it and move on?
Because WE knew, and when we told you, you called us selfish immoral science-denying far-right-wing–extremist anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists.
But we were the ones following the science, and you were the ones following the television. We’re batting a thousand, and your “experts” are batting zero.
We were like the bystanders in The Birds frantically trying to warn the man standing in the puddle of gas not to throw down his match, only to be persistently ignored until he self-immolates.
And yet you’ll still listen to your priests and ridicule us for sounding evidence-based alarms when the next crisis is unfurled and they promise you it’s “different” this time. This time, it really is “novel”! So you’d better listen to them or else!
As Milton Mayer writes in the foreword to the 1966 printing of They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45:
“Crisis is our diet, served up as exotic dishes and dishes ever more exotic before we are able to swallow, let alone digest, those that were just before us.”
Con artists, narcissistic abusers, and politicians always try to hoover their targets back in with “words that scream for your submission” while “their logic ties you up and rapes you.”
The tyrants, philanthropaths, governments, departments, agencies, $cientists, propagandists, and demociders wanted to terrorize you into a fearful state of learned helplessness. They wanted you to ignore your gut. They wanted you to vilify, mock, and distrust the critical thinkers, the independent-minded, the truth-tellers. They wanted you to suffer. Because then it would trigger Sutton’s Paradox and you would beg for the solution. And that’s exactly what you did.
It’s called Biderman’s Chart of Coercion, and they ran us up and down the stages until as many of you complied with their authoritarianism as they could bamboozle, bribe, bully, and bludgeon into subservience.
Instead of blaming the ones abusing us, you sided with them against those of us who were exposing their lies and resisting totalitarianism.
And you still do. As Carl Sagan writes:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: if we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new ones rise.”
―The Demon-Haunted World: Science As a Candle in the Dark
You wanted us fired, remember?
You wanted to deny us hospital care.
You wanted us to die.
But we didn’t want you fired.
We didn’t want to deny you hospital care.
We didn’t want you to die.
We were trying to save you from injury and death.
We were cautioning you not to rush over that experimental cliff.
But you joked about us dying.
You wanted to conform. You wanted to “do your bit.”
You believed the coercive messaging and $250-million and £184-million advertising campaigns.
You thought your pundits were right and we were stupid Deplorables for asking questions and doing research.
And when you finally realized you got it deadly wrong, you chalked it up to a coin flip instead of acknowledging your failure to recognize propaganda, seek out trustworthy sources, and critically assess information.
You learned nothing. You changed nothing. You fauxpologized and issued yourself a Get-out-of-Jail-Free card. So you’re sitting ducks for the next bamboozle.
It’s no satisfaction for us to say, “We told you so.”
Our hearts are breaking daily as we witness our predictions playing out.
We are grieving the dead. We are mourning the mangled. We are seeking justice for the harmed. We are speaking for the silenced.
But you don’t even see the victims. Because they’re not on the news.
To paraphrase Upton Sinclair’s axiom, it is difficult to get the Mockingbird media to understand adverse events exist when their funding depends on their not understanding it.
Instead, we have an epidemic of baffledness. Experts are “baffled.” Doctors are “baffled.” Scientists are “baffled.”
They can’t put two and two together because they’re paid not to. If the Ministry of Truth tells them two plus two equals five, it equals five, and if you disagree, you’re a threat to society.
Which in a way is true.
We are a threat to a mass-controlled, menticided, groupthinking society whose members are scripted to believe, say, and do whatever they are programmed to believe, say, and do.
We are a threat to the corrupt entities profiting off your gullible trust in them.
We are a threat to the behavioral psychologists employed by governments to nudge you into compliance.
We are a threat to the mockingheads who want to seed your brain with their mind-killing mantras, manipulative marketing, and us-versus-them hate bombs.
It may seem like I am using the same us-versus-them paradigm, but if you are among the victims of COVID tyranny, you are one of us and just don’t realize it yet. You may never realize it.
But we are fighting for you nevertheless.
You can keep attacking us for trying to help you, but we’re not going to give up. Because giving up means giving in to the bullies, the tyrannizers, the sadists, the charlatans, the circus barkers, the narcissists, the gaslighters, the magicians, and the monsters.
Giving up means accepting democide, maiming, and slavery.
Giving up means becoming complicit in the demise of humanity.
And we wouldn’t have put up with all the contemptuous insults; sacrificed our jobs, reputations, and relationships; and battered ourselves against your stubborn heads and hardened hearts all to give up in the end.
We now know the exhilarating liberty of not caring what you think. We now know the delirious joy of connecting with fellow courageous individuals of integrity. We now know the pride of never having soiled our souls, relinquished our reasoning, and contaminated our bodies for fear, for convenience, for a Big Mac and a donut.
You can count on us because we have never wavered in our quest for the truth. We have never wavered in our defense of the innocent. We have never wavered in our love, even though you pushed us away.
It’s not too late for you to rediscover your humanity.
Yes, you have to apologize. And you have to mean it. And you have to show you’ve learned your lesson.
Think of it like making a confession during a police interrogation. It doesn’t mean you’ll escape justice, but the jury may go easier on you if you feel genuine chest-beating, hair shirt–donning, tears-streaming-down-your-face remorse.
Apologizing means telling specific people specific things you are sorry you did to them. You are sorry you hurt them. You are sorry you dehumanized them. You are sorry you cut them out of your life.
And it means not asking for amnesty so you can sweep away your culpability but instead acknowledging your role in what has transpired over the past four years.
It means understanding the machinery of psychological manipulation so you won’t fall for the propagandists’ tricks next time.
It means following my twelve-step recovery program for menticide and Laura Dodsworth’s and Patrick Fagan’s book-length version Free Your Mind.
Lastly and most importantly, it means saying Mistakes Were NOT Made and then identifying the culprits and holding them accountable for crimes against humanity.
But don’t expect us to forget—ever. And don’t assume we’ll forgive.
To treat a bite wound, you don’t slap some gauze on it and call it good. That’s how you lose limbs or life. Healing can only begin after the wound is cleaned and the infection combated with antibiotics.
Forget Forgetting
Spain provides a case study in the poisonous effects of amnesty upon the victims, their families, and the society that embraces such a savage practice.
The award-winning documentary The Silence of Others captures the agonizing aftermath of legislating amnesia.
Two years after fascist dictator Francisco Franco died, Spanish politicians agreed to the Pact of Forgetting (Pacto del Olvido), which led to parliament passing the Spanish 1977 Amnesty Law.
In a blink, that law whited-out nearly four decades’ worth of regime murder, torture, imprisonment, censorship, and other brutalities that had characterized Franco’s reign, guaranteeing impunity to war criminals.
As Basque politician Xabier Arzalluz stated at the time of the law’s passing:
“It’s simply a forgetting. An amnesty for all, by all. A forgetting for all, by all.”
This meant José María “Chato” Galante had to “live just meters away from the person who tortured me,” he explains.
His torturer, Antonio González Pacheco—dubbed Billy the Kid “for his habit of spinning a gun around his finger as he beat his victims” and whose techniques included “beat[ing] detainees on the soles of their feet, hit[ting] them while they were handcuffed to a radiator or left hanging from a bar, or forc[ing] their heads under water”—enjoyed a comfortable retirement, even running the Madrid half-marathon in 2010. A sadist who told his victims how much he relished beating them, Pacheco passed away on May 7, 2020.
Just over a month prior, Galante had died1 on March 29, 2020, which means he was not only denied justice during his lifetime but he didn’t even have the satisfaction of seeing his tormenter entombed.
Speaking to a group of fellow victims and bereaved family members, Galante laments:
“We and hundreds of thousands of victims have been denied the right to justice!”
One woman states in the film:
“No one has ever asked us for forgiveness. People don’t ask, they demand that you forgive.”
The 114,000 bodies buried in mass graves across Spain and 30,000 abducted children do not forgive—cannot forgive … just like the 17 million killed by the COVID injection, the 1 in 800 seriously injured by it, and the children who may never see adulthood or bear children of their own.
This cannot be forgiven.
This must not be forgotten.
Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever.
Galante reminds us why we must remember, why we must fend off forgetting, why we must prosecute atrocities at all costs:
“This is not about looking at the past. We’re fighting for the future.”
Fight for You
Through the madness and the lies
As they’re holding back the truth
No matter what they try
I will always fight for you
I will save your innocence
They are trying to remove
I am here at your defense
And I will always fight for you
Yes I will always fight for you
I will stand here in the way
And I will not give up on you
I will shield you from the pain
In the battle on the field
There is evil on the move
But I hope that you can feel
That I will always fight for you
In the darkness of the times
There’s a light that shines the proof
It’ll soon reveal the crimes
So I won’t stop this fight for you
Yes I will always fight for you
I will brave every attack
And I will not give up on you
I will always have your back
So to every single mother, father
Stand up for your sons and daughters
Do not back down, don’t let up
You are all they have for armor
So make this a war to win
Look in their eyes and tell them
That I will always fight for you
I will stand guard at the gate
And I will not give up on you
I will stop each shot they take
Yes, I will always fight for you
I will always fight for you

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