Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson Live with Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. Naomi Wolf has been one of the earliest and most vocal critics of the Covid pandemic response. In conjunction with Steve Bannon’s War Room, they have produced a book analyzing the primary source documents released by Pfizer. Called ‘Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports’, it contains 46 reports on the Pfizer vaccine data.
Dr. Naomi Wolf is a bestselling author, columnist, and professor; she is a graduate of Yale University and received a doctorate from Oxford. She is the co-founder and CEO of, a successful civic tech company.
I am 54 and have just started bleeding again since not having my period for a year. I was in a warm water pool for about 20 minutes with people who were likely vaccinated. So you jave any data on ithers to whom this also may have happened??
Many thanks for all you do in truth telling and advocating for humanity.
Blessings, Melanie