Report 32: If Pfizer Controlled the ‘Data’ They Controlled the Outcome

If Pfizer Controlled the ‘Data’ They Controlled the Outcome
This Report was written exclusively for DailyClout by the Members of the Pfizer Analysis team.
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Those in Control of the ‘Data’ Control the Outcome
I am a participant in the independent study to review the Pfizer vaccine documents currently being released under FOIA request by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) and now enforced by a Federal Judge Mark Pittman (Greene, 2022). One of the released documents sheds some light on events previously hidden from the public and demonstrate Pfizer BioNTech’s effort to achieve the level of efficacy needed for a vaccine preventing SARS-CoV-2 unleashed unfavorable side effects that make the the experimental gene therapy shots not safe for humans. [reissue_5.3.6 post marketing experience.pdf –
The post-marketing experience document marked as ‘Confidential’ offers insight into the biological associated risk or adverse reaction(s) [ADRs] with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. These are also categorized as adverse events [AEs], serious adverse events [SAEs] adverse events of special interest [AESIs] or just events. The telling information is presented in Table 1. General Overview: Selected Characteristics of All Cases Received During the Reporting Interval [thru 28 February 2021].[] This table shows there were 42,086 relevant [patient] cases containing a whopping 158,893 adverse events. The cases shown are broken down into three categories: Gender, Age range and Case outcome. 7.1% or 2,290 cases have No Data for Gender; 16% or 6,876 cases list Age unknown; and 23% or 9,400 cases list an Unknown outcome. It gets worse: 46.5% or 19,582 cases Recovered/Recovering were mixed together. The most revealing number of cases was 1,223 [2.91%], patients with ‘Fatal’ outcomes.
In comparison, a public report in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) covering the same pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial shows that after 22,030 patients received Dose 1 [BNT162b2 vaccine], 25 had AE, 2 died, 6 became pregnant and, coincidently, for the 21,650 Placebo patients, 25 had AE, 2 died and 6 became pregnant. Following Dose 2, including 21,759 BNT162b2 recipients, no AEs, 14 died, no pregnancies; and for Placebo, 1 AE, 13 died, 1 became pregnant. The end result for BNT162b2 arm was 25 AEs, 16 deaths, 6 pregnancies; and, for Placebo arm, 26 AEs, 15 deaths, 7 pregnancies. Even the public document could not explain what happened to 1,841 missing patients I calculated from the given data after the remaining 41,128 patients entered the open-label follow-up phase (Thomas, 2021).
Prior to 07 March 2022, a recurring theme now losing its grip is ‘those in control of the data control the outcome.’ Pfizer/BioNTech, ICON, Penn [patent] FDA, CDC, foreign enterprise (Fosun), media [NEJM] et al, were in total control of the data, including the original research, raw data captured from human clinical trials, and supportive reports authored primarily by Pfizer employees vested in stock/stock options. More importantly, the founders of BioNTech, all with significant conflicts of interest, played an important role in ensuring a BNT162b2 vaccine approved solution. Now, with the rollout of the real data, panic is setting in. The people involved are losing control fast. After seeing the first trove of documents like the post-marketing document[], it appears a CYA “clean up” operation is taking place, a term gleaned from Brook Jackson, a whistleblower suing Pfizer and FDA (New School News, 2022). The data is not backed by science, but by the appearance of science.
While sifting through the miasma of puzzling data, I zeroed in on the number of female cases, 29,914 that stood out among the others; 3 times greater than the 9,182 male cases. This is significant as global gender rates are slightly male-biased, (Sex ratio at birth, 1950 to 2017, 2022). If the numbers hold true, one should find a similar female bias for AEs on the VAERS website. The query parameters included: Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine US and Territories, Male and Female, all cases for the periods given in below Table.
Period | Male AE BNT162b2 | Female AE BNT162b2 | Ratio |
11-31 Dec 2020 | 10,586 | 40,774 | 3.85:1 Female bias |
01 Jan – 31 Dec 2021 | 318,169 | 665,695 | 2.09:1 Female bias |
Combined 13-month period | 328,755 | 706,469 | 2.15: 1 Female bias |
The VAERS response offered a close match with Pfizer’s numbers compiled for Dec 2020, trending down a data point through the next 12 months. Accumulative ratio > 2:1 Female bias.[ CDC WONDER. 2022. Male / Female Adverse Events Dec 2020 – Dec 2021 COVID19 Pfizer BioNTech. [online] Available at: <;jsessionid=BF991AE0B02C34DC001DEED02ADB> [Accessed 19 May 2022].
Given the higher number of biological risks associated with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for females, I looked at reproduction and its related AEs and targeted the less-observed event, ‘Spontaneous Abortion’ [Miscarriage]. Miscarriage will always be one of the more difficult injuries to establish a causal relationship with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine since it has a rate of approximately 12% for the general population according to Mayo Clinic (Funke, 2021). Moreover, Pfizer will fall on their sword arguing research shows vaccines are not linked to miscarriages (Funke, 2021). Looking at the other side of the story, the heavily censored Dr. Joseph Mercola dismissed the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) researchers behind the study cited by Mayo Clinic, claiming “the data actually indicated miscarriage occurred in at least 82% of people vaccinated within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy” (Funke,2021). To explore Dr. Mercola’s argument, a query for AE data [Spontaneous Abortion, COVID-19, Pfizer/BioNTech, Female, US / Territories, 11Dec2020-31Dec2021] was pulled from the Wonder VAERS site. []
In the first table you will see 567 cases, each representing a patient that had a ‘Spontaneous Abortion’ [Miscarriage] after receiving the BNT162b2 vaccine. The period covered was 11 December 2020 (EUA start date] thru 31 December 2021.
The focus of second chart shows the number of days to onset of miscarriage. This query was for Spontaneous Abortion [0-121+ days]. The chart shows the onset of 96 spontaneous abortions happened within 24 hours of the Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine, a red flag finding that should not go unnoticed. When you look deeper, the next chart starts to reveal the why behind the cause and deadly effect. CDC WONDER. 2022. Spontaneous Abortion – 567 Cases – 101 Serious – US / Territories 2021. [online] Available at: <;jsessionid=BF991AE0B02C34DC001DEED02ADB> [Accessed 19 May 2022].
Chart 3 represents the BNT162b2 vaccine Batch/Lot numbers linked to the Spontaneous Abortion [Miscarriage]. The Batch/Lot alphanumeric code is printed on each vial that leaves the factory. It provides a receipt or chain-of-custody that follows from the plant where it was produced to the site where it is was processed (thawed, diluted) and immediately injected into the patient. (Lot Release, 2022). I queried four items: Adverse Reactions (ADRs), Death, Disabilities, and Life-threatening illness (see chart CDC WONDER. 2022. Spontaneous Abortion – 567 Cases – 101 Serious – US / Territories 2021. [online] Available at: <;jsessionid=BF991AE0B02C34DC001DEED02ADB> [Accessed 19 May 2022].
What do the Batch/Lot Numbers tell us about a biologic such as BNT162b2? In the 567 cases that listed Spontaneous Abortion [Miscarriage], there were 471 with Batch/Lots, comprising 171 separate alphanumeric Batch/Lots. Six of the 171 Batch/Lots [approximately 14%] had significantly higher number of case counts: EP6955 (8), EK9231 (8), EW0168 (10), EN6204(1), EK5730 (12), and ER8729 (17). Using, an on-line service of The Exposé that lists vaccine lot numbers linked with SAEs pulled from VAERS, I checked all six Batch/Lots and received a hit on EW0168: 10 ADRs, 8 Deaths, 20 Disabilities, 20 Life-threatening illnesses. (Exposé, 2022) In response to that finding, I decided to investigate based on the assumption that a sharper understanding will be achieved if a match can be made from The Exposé archive using all 171 Batch/Lot Numbers. The results are astonishing: 65 of the 171 [38.0%] returned results from the The Exposé archive. The numbers breakdown: total number of serious adverse reactions [ADRs] = 32,051; Death = 400; Disabilities = 475; and Life- threatening illness = 413. See chart.
What is important is the dose (toxicity concentration) for each Batch/Lot Number, established at the plant, which must first pass review by the FDA before being sent to distributor for release to the public. The one thing that links the patient outcome, the causal relationship, with the BioNTech [BNT162b2] vaccine, is the Batch/Lot Number. This is the ‘smoking gun.’ If one knows this number, related characteristics (e.g., number of ADRs; Deaths, if any; Disabilities, if any; and Life-threatening illnesses, if any) and follow it, there is high probability of finding a patient who has or will succumb to its nefarious attributes.
The above findings beg the question: why was this data/information not reported earlier during the Pfizer BioNTech Phase 1/2/3 clinical trials? The simple answer is Pfizer BioNTech were aware of the side effects, especially those that were gender-related, long before to human clinical trials. Proof of this insight is seen by the eligibility criteria used by Pfizer BioNTech-sponsored Phase 1/2/3 clinical trials perfectly aligning with the informed consent forms the patients agreed to, signed and dated. Another illustration of those who control the data control the outcome is the eligibility criteria established in order to shape an expected favorable result and exclude those with the expected, unfavorable outcomes (e.g., Inclusion: “Women of childbearing potential (WOCBP) must have a negative beta-human chorionic gonadotropin urine test at Visit 0 and Visit 1; Male and Female, “agree to practice a highly effective form of contraception during the trial;” Exclusion Criteria, Females “Are breastfeeding on the day of Visit 0 or who plan to breastfeed during the trial, starting after Visit 0 and continuously until at least 90 days after receiving the last immunization”).(A Trial Investigating the Safety and Effects of Four BNT162 Vaccines Against COVID-2019 in Healthy and Immunocompromised Adults – Full Text View –, 2021) In addition, for clinical trials that contained adolescents, Pfizer produced a tailored Informed Consent that contained softened language that addressed the criteria. It contained statements excluding females from participation who were pregnant or breastfeeding. If included, females had to agree to blood draws to check for pregnancy before receiving a dose of the vaccine or placebo. If sexually active, they were informed to use contraceptives, and this was expected to be followed by the sexual partner, as well as signed and dated by the patients and their parent/guardian [citation, 125742_S1_M5_5351_c4591001-fa-interim-iec-irb-consent-form, pages 32-33].
In closing, I have offered some insight into various red flags associated with AE and SAE or events, as well as the attempted controls of the data there of, which answer why Pfizer wanted to keep this information ‘confidential’ for 75 years and blocked from scientists capable of an independent peer review, long after those complicit in the scheme and the scientist most familiar with the matter would be dead. Everything one needs to know that is wrong about the corporate/government dystopian partnership of Pfizer Inc. and United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) can be summed up by Mr. Aaron Siri (Siri & Glimstad LLP). This is the firm that filed the brief that led to FOIA that ultimately forced the FDA rollout of the Pfizer vaccine ‘confidential’ documents. Siri said, “Decoupling a company’s profit interest from its interest in safety is a moral hazard, and a departure from centuries of product liability doctrine,” [PHMPT vs. FDA, Brief in Support of Timely Production, page 2].
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