Fight Employer Vaccine Mandates – Smuckers’ Story

Webinar Conducted January 12, 2022
Leading Civil Rights Attorney & Former Akron OH City Councilman, Warner Mendenhall was our guest of honor and discussed:
- Overview of Smuckers situation.
- What is the law and is Smuckers violating it?
- Discussion with affected Smuckers employees.
- Overview of rights according to Federal law, OSHA, etc.
- Discussion of religious exemption letters and where to get a “model”.
- Discussion of filing an EEOC or State Employment/Civil Rights Commission complaint. Where to get forms/models.
Moreover, Mr. Mendenhall addressed LOTs of questions from the audience about employees’ rights when approached by their employer about vaccine status.
Take Action!
In the webinar, Mr. Mendenhall, Dr. Wolf and the team recommended employees and concerned citizens take action as follows:
- Give to Smuckers Plaintiffs Legal Defense.
- Learn about Employee Rights & Options and Find an Attorney in your area.
- Ohio EEO Process & Forms
- New York EEO Process & Form
- EEOC (Federal) Process
- Those in other states should search for “eeo claim statename” and you’ll find your state’s resources for employees to file EEO claims.
- Find the latest case analysis from Mr. Mendenhall here.
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Warner Mendenhall, Civil Rights Attorney
Beginning with two terms on Akron City Council in the early 1990s, I have helped citizens fight corruption and the abuse of power of local governments throughout Ohio. During my time on the city council, I felt that the city law department was not giving me accurate answers so I went to law school. After getting licensed in the late 1990s, I won my first cases exposing block grant fraud and defending Charter Amendments in Akron and knew that I had found my calling.
Inflicting real material losses on companies who act as agents of tyranny for the government is perhaps the best way to fight back. I intend to boycott Smuckers until they drop these mandates and compensate anyone who lost their job over it. Would it help if consumers send letters of protest to Smuckers? If so, would it be acceptable to do so anonymously? I don’t want to provide my real name and address to them out of concern that I might end up on a government watchlist. Thanks.
Boycotting? Please include Citigroup. They just stated they will begin to fire unvaxxed in the month of January. These vax mandates are UnConstitutional, against Nuremburg Codes, tyrannical, life altering and barbaric.
The affects are yet truly unknown. What we do know. This is a war against humanity.
Thanks for letting me know. I wasn’t aware of this. I do have a credit card through them. I’m going to cash out my rewards and stop using the card. I wonder how many more companies we’re going to have to boycott.
This was an eye-opening webinar. Everyone who participated on the call is a hero.