Dr. Naomi Wolf on Pfizer: “They hid. They concealed. They redacted.”
Dr. Naomi Wolf discusses the war on children and on Western values. Forcing children to wear masks is abusive because new studies show that this prevents them from developing normal facial recognition and the practice has a now-measurable effect on their IQ levels.
With all the new information surfacing from the WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers regarding the formerly secret Pfizer documents, and with attorney Stevan Looney’s new essay on the redacted documents in the secret Pfizer tranche now published on DailyClout.io, it is becoming clear that informed consent before receiving the vaccine was never even possible.
Bombshell: in order to process just the paperwork from the “large number of adverse events” — Pfizer’s own words — Pfizer had to hire 2,400 new, full-time employees and the company proudly informed the FDA of these thousands of new hires to grapple with the flood of adverse events they saw as early as February 28, 2021. Yet they did not disclose these adverse events to the public and neither did the FDA.
Watch the full video!
Good day, I was wondering why we can’t get an emergent broad cast of the dangers of these vaccines and the fraud committed by Pfizer to penetrate the main stream media. All of these politician do is fund raise off of this genocide. Why can’t we raise money, buy airtime and get the message out to the population that only watches the main stream media?
Well, the media would not give airtime for such a purpose. They all took money from the federal government which bound them first, not to criticize the vaccines in any way., and second to promote that they were certainly safe and effective.
The media is incorporated. Why do people keep waiting and expecting them to be truthful? They are the corporate press. Not the free press. They’re owned! Hello? You know who/what else is incorporated? The so called federal government and all State and local governments. 100% incorporated and 100% foreign owned. All guilty of inland piracy and a slew of other capital crimes.
surety bond file it against any single school board public official it works quickly biden will soon be removed by 25th amendment next 30-60 days communism on verge of takeover right now in schools
santa barbara county has kids and people in masks even in their own cars and at night ppl are thinking
snake blood is in all vaccines hippa act of 1996 right to medical privacy is being violated all over usa the arts performing theatres of santa barbara county are forcing masks and covid vaccine cards just to view a performance its so bad the theyre giving contaminated recalled covid tests to homeless all the shelters and jails and refused services to anyone in need if they refused covid stick tests, recalled nov 2021 fbi raided 300 sites all over usa yet no raids in santa barbara county and they force masks on mtd public bus with heat on high in metal buses if mask moves from your nose driver yells kicks you off or bans you they gang up on you also its sanctuary city elite elite groups and lawyers are keeping it brainwashed and gas lit they use the news in the county and radio to mislead the public
dailyclout.io campaign section volunteer
Has anyone saw GCA (Giant cell arteritis) type symptoms after the vaccine? Specifically inflammation in the Temporal artery that may to loss of sight.
My sister was just diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis, she took the J&J one shot deal, forced to because she was a nurse. It started with drooping eyelid, then blurred and double vision. Something strange, on her MRI , a small something was seen in her brain, but they couldn’t identify. What do you want to bet it is solidified !iPod nano particles. I am so upset, her last day before retirement was 8 days before her diagnosis! She is the best person on the planet!