Columbia Professor PLEADS with School President to Rescind Vaccine Mandates

July 7th
Dear President Kwang-Wu Kim,
As a teacher of writing for four decades at Columbia College Chicago, I write to you with a heavy heart and an urgent plea.
Please rescind the college’s requirement for student mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations and give students medical freedom and bodily choice, as offered faculty and staff.
Indiscriminate charges by government, drug companies and corporate media labeling any criticism of vaccine safety and efficacy as conspiracy theory fake news, what Gary Null, PhD and founder of the Progressive Radio Network (PRN) calls “institutional disinformation,” can no longer deflect the worldwide scientific data linking escalating deaths and injuries to the injections.
This relentless propaganda campaign has effectively blinded much of the public to the stark dichotomy between such issues as the tragic vaccine injuries of pop singers and vaccine promoters Celine Dion and Justin Bieber, both too post-vaccine sick to tour, and the false justification of injecting dangerous vaccines into babies (never at risk from the virus) as young as 5 months old.
The Office of National Statistics in England reports nearly 530,000 vaccinated have died, including non-COVID deaths, between January 2021 and March 2022.
A new poll by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) finds 1% of vaccinated people (2M Americans over 18) are so seriously COVID vaccine injured that they are unable to hold a job.
The interview by VSRF founder and director Steve Kirsch of seven nurses talking about their mandated vaccine injuries, those of fellow nurses, patients, family and friends; the hospitals’ intense secrecy is heart wrenching.
My deep concern for the ongoing health of our students extends to the stability of the institution.
Please find my missive presenting this new data on the deadly risks of the vaccines and the need for informed consent—fundamental in both ethics and law—in any vaccine process moving forward.
Thank you,
Gary Johnson
Associate Professor
English and Creative Writing Dept.
Columbia College Chicago
It is so refreshing to see someone “pushing back” against the mandated vaccine schedule. We all deserve bodily integrity. The vaccines are proven to cause injury and death. Why are people still taking them?