Dr. Naomi Wolf Available For Interview
On May 10, 2021, Carol Crawford from the CDC press office sent an email stating the CDC’s intention to “establish COVID BOLO meetings on “misinformation’ and invite all Big Tech platforms to join the meetings.” Six days later, Ms. Crawford emailed Todd O’Boyle at Twitter asking him to participate in these “ BOLO Meetings” and gave him examples of tweets from misinformers from whom she was telling O’Boyle to censor on behalf of the CDC.
Journalist and best-selling author Naomi Wolf was targeted as one of these so called “misinformers a screen grab of a tweet/thread of hers was used as an example in the BOLO Meetings emails that went out.
Dr. Naomi Wolf was permanently banned from Twitter days later.
BOLO is a law enforcement term for “be on the lookout” for criminal suspects. Clear evidence that the CDC considers American journalists criminals if they raise questions about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 injections.
“This morning I learned that our federal government violated the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by directing Big Tech to censor and deplatform me as a citizen and journalist in their desperate attempt to control the COVID vaccine narrative on behalf of their Big Pharma donors. So much for the big lie that “social media companies are private companies not bound by the First Amendment.”
The unavoidable truth is that social media companies are simply cut-outs for Washington D.C. big government bureaucrats, and I intend to pursue all legal remedies available to me to ensure this federal government abuse of American’s scared freedoms and Constitutional Rights is halted and all Government officials, involved are held to account, which may well include personal civil liability.”
Full Press Release
Dr. Wolf’s Latest Best Seller
The censoring against Wolf is outrageous, and I’m not surprised in the least. However, anyone with half a brain could’ve seen all the censorship by the Tech Giants coming a mile away. I mean, they’ve been pulling this kind of stuff for YEARS.
In fact, I had a small music channel over on YouTube for years. But about three years ago, I closed it down, because I didn’t feel good about attracting people to such a corrupt site like YouTube/Google.
So, ultimately, it’s difficult for me to have sympathy for folks who’ve been abused by the Tech Giants. It’s kind of like the guy who’s always complaining about how his girlfriend is verbally abusive to him, stands him up all the time, takes him for granted, etc. It’s like, “Okay . . . so why are you still with that jerk? Why don’t you just kick her to the curb and find someone *better*?? Where’s your self-respect, dude???”
Similarly, I believe that those with conservative and independent leanings should NOT be patronizing the corrupt Tech Giants in any shape or form. I mean, since there are literally *dozens* of alternative platforms out there, just move your content to those sites instead. Don’t be a Big Tech who**. :P. So, when someone complains about being censored by Big Tech, my response is typically, “Well, whose fault is that?”
I think there are two main reasons that otherwise intelligent people don’t want to leave the Tech Giants: 1) sloth — change is too DIFFICULT; and 2) fear of losing exposure (i.e., hits and followers), which often means loss of revenue. Regardless of the reason, there’s really no excuse for it.
“Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation promulgated by New York’s Governor Hochul and her Department of Health has been flying under the radar. We see the complete and utter refusal by the mainstream media to cover the ghastly regulation. Even now that I have won and defeated Governor Hochul’s ferociously unconstitutional regulation, the mainstream media still won’t report on it! Not a peep about the inhumane regulation, or how I sued her and won, or how she and her DOH are planning to appeal the case to try to get the power back so they can lock you up (or lock you down) for however long they want, at whatever location they want, without any proof that you actually have a disease.”
Bobbie Anne Cox
It’s my view, if New York’s Governor Hochul can’t win on appeal with the ‘monkeypox emergency’ they will resort to Mental Health detentions known in the UK as sectioning. Few people have recorded this. In the UK this chap managed – this is what happens at least before he was stopped with intimidation and humiliation:
Do not give anyone reason to so this – what ever happens do your best not to get triggered with strong emotions over what is happening.
Naomi, the big tech/government collusion to censor you and so many other experts who speak truth and alert the public to real and potential harms is outrageous. Government officials who take an oath of office to uphold our constitution have betrayed their oath of office and the American people. This is not only an outrage, it is a crime. They MUST be held to account. Otherwise, we are just another third world banana republic. God bless you in your efforts. Thank you for your unrelenting sacrifice to bring forth the truth and hold the guilty accountable.
Annette wrote:
“Otherwise, we are just another third world banana republic.”
Sadly, we’re almost at that stage anyway. China seems to be running the show behind the scenes, and our “elections” are clearly rigged.
As Wolf said recently in an interview, there are ten steps to tyrannical takeover of a country. And by all indications, we’re already “right smack dab” in the middle of Step 10!