Causes of Death Among College Students

Originally published on the author’s Substack
Deaths Explained in 87% of Cases–Public Should Question “Cause of Death Unknown” in Public Reports
Everyday social media is chocked full of new reports of young, college-age persons dying suddenly with no antecedent illness. Recently, a memorial announcement disclosed 12 students died at the University of Alabama and their shortened lives were being honored at graduation. I did a hand search of deaths at that school over the past few years and found a few cases of suicide, accidental gun discharge, and other deaths each year. I don’t know if 12 is high for a university of that size, so I did a PUBMED search on the numbers and causes of death among American college students.
Turner et al reported in 2013 using a survey, that an average of 254 deaths occurred annually. According to the data disclosed by Turner, the overall rate of expected deaths is 22.4/100,000 students and 87% of cases a cause of death is known including injuries, suicides, and known diseases. For University of Alabama with a total enrollment of ~38,000 students, this means the university could expect 8.5 deaths per year. If they were equally divided per class and assuming an average 5 year enrollment per student, then a graduating class could have at most 2 student per year on a memorial notice for graduation. This makes 12 for the Crimson Tide distinctly unusual for the class of 2023.

The point of this analysis is that parents, alumni, and the public at large should be questioning every death among young persons and reject “unknown” as the cause. Because COVID-19 vaccines result in fatal syndromes and many colleges substantially encouraged if not mandated them—unknown cause of death should be assumed vaccine related until proven otherwise.
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University of Alabama Student Remembrance Ceremony, Monday April 17, 2023
“Until Proven Otherwise” Minidocumentary with Drs. Peter McCullough and Aseem Malhotra
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