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March 12, 2021

Opinion: “Chinese Media Goes Overboard to Cover Embarrassment on Its LAC Assertiveness”

The Galwan Valley clash between India and China gave a rise to new issues between the two nations. As China violated the border rules and entered far into the Indian Territory, the latter had to give a befitting retort to the aggressors. Although both the nations fought and lost the …

March 11, 2021

Opinion: “Vastly Expensive Dem-Driven “Rescue Act” Showcases Vaccines, Tax Credits, Child Poverty”

As I completed my read of The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, with its price tag of $1.9 trillion, I was filled with mixed emotions. As a fiscal conservative, I winced at the cost. When this bill passes, Congress will have authorized a total of $5.3 trillion in COVID …

March 5, 2021

Opinion: “Covid-19 Variants and the Safety of Students”

This month one year ago, schools and universities across the United States closed down to assure the safety of students, faculty members, and their families from SARS-CoV-2. Since then, more dangerous, infectious variants have emerged that should have us redoubling efforts to make schools and universities safe. The first variant …

February 26, 2021

Opinion: “The Game of Party and Patriotism in Hong Kong”

During the video broadcast of the annual duty report by Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, Chinese President Xi Jinping has announced that Hong Kong “must always be governed by patriots”. He asserted that “patriotic” politicians were the precondition to the implementation of Chinese Central Government’s comprehensive jurisdiction over Hong …

February 24, 2021

Opinion: “Pandemic Blunder – Fauci And Public Health Blocked Early Home Covid Treatment”

Americans have every right to be in a fit over the news that 500,000 Americans have died from the COVID-19 infection.  Hard to imagine worse news.  What is missing from this news is that way over 300,000 of these deaths could have been prevented through the widespread use of cheap, …

Iziah Explains

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