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January 6, 2023

Investment Guru and Princeton Alumnus Steve Richard Berger Calls out his Former Alma Mater on its Reductive COVID -19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates

On December 20, 2022, Hedge Fund Manager and Princeton Donor Steve Berger penned a letter to Princeton University’s Vice President and Secretary Hilary A. Parker, sharing his grave concerns over the University’s recent Covid -19 mRNA student vaccine mandates. “Is Princeton’s sacrificing its youth on the altar of big pharma …

January 5, 2023

CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA

And now it’s clear why they tried to hide them. By JOSH GUETZKOW SUMMARY CDC’s VAERS safety signal analysis based on reports from Dec. 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022 for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines shows clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, …

January 5, 2023

As Speaker Battle Rages in House, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Also in Trouble with GOP Voters–Only 6% Want Her to Remain in Office

Majority Say GOP Congressional Leadership and RNC Not Effective in Getting Republicans Elected in 2022 Plurality Say Hesitant to Donate to GOP in Future, Looking Instead at Grassroots Orgs   (Austin, TX—January 4, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, …

January 5, 2023

An End to COVID-19 in Israel? Conflicting Reports Remain Unclear

COVID-19 to be Downgraded to a Flu in Israel This Month – Maybe Last week an Israel-based news site called Ynet reported that Israel has made the decision to end COVID-19 as an emergency health situation and downgrade it to be treated like the flu. In looking for further reporting and …

January 5, 2023

Dr. Naomi Wolf Slams Big Pharma, Big Tech Censorship

Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Ed Henry to discuss the collusion between Big Tech and government to censor Americans, the disturbing research by Big Pharma related to reproductive health and the MRNA vaccines and more.   Dr. Wolf notes that, “People have to learn a little bit about how algorithms work …

Iziah Explains

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