As Speaker Battle Rages in House, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Also in Trouble with GOP Voters–Only 6% Want Her to Remain in Office

Majority Say GOP Congressional Leadership and RNC Not Effective in Getting Republicans Elected in 2022
Plurality Say Hesitant to Donate to GOP in Future, Looking Instead at Grassroots Orgs
(Austin, TX—January 4, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted December 17th through December 21st of over 1,000 registered GOP and GOP primary voters, participants were also screened for party preference.
“Republican voters are furious about the failure of their party to deliver results in 2022–especially given the disastrous mismanagement of the country by the Biden Administration and their allies in Congress. Voters believe the only way to hold the GOP accountable for its failures is to make way for new leadership. Grassroots activists have known for a long time that GOP leadership in Congress and at the RNC aren’t focused on fighting for conservative principles, or even winning a majority, but rather keeping themselves in power and funding the permanent political consultant class,” said Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States. “Ultimately, we need to stop playing Washington’s game by Washington’s rules. If Americans want to fix our broken government, we need to force change in the leadership of organizations who failed to deliver results, support grassroots organizations doing real work on the ground, and reign in the power of DC with an Article V Convention of States.”
For complete details on the poll, including graphics, please visit:
KEY INSIGHT: Vast Majority of Republicans Say No to Ronna McDaniel Returning as Chair of Republican National Committee:
- 73.5 percent of Republican voters say the party should elect someone new to serve as chairperson of the RNC.
- 5.6 percent of Republican voters say the party should re-elect Ronna McDaniel to serve as chairperson of the RNC.
- 20.9 percent don’t know.
KEY INSIGHT: Majority of Republicans Say Republican Party and its Congressional Leadership was Ineffective in 2022 Mid-Terms:
- 62.7 percent of Republican voters say the Republican Party and its congressional leadership was ineffective in getting Republicans elected in 2022:
- 27.6 percent say very ineffective.
- 35.1 percent say somewhat ineffective.
- 36.2 percent of republican voters say the Republican Party and its congressional leadership was effective in getting Republicans elected in 2022:
- 8.2 percent say very effective.
- 28 percent say somewhat effective.
- 1.1 percent don’t know.
KEY INSIGHT: Majority of Republicans Say Republican National Committee was Ineffective in 2022 Mid-Terms:
- 68 percent of Republican voters say the Republican National Committee was ineffective in getting Republicans elected in 2022:
- 39.6 percent say very ineffective.
- 28.4 percent say somewhat ineffective.
- 27.9 percent of Republican voters say the Republican National Committee was effective in getting Republicans elected in 2022:
- 7.9 percent say very effective.
- 20 percent say somewhat effective.
- 4.1 percent don’t know.
KEY INSIGHT: Plurality of Republicans Say That After 2022 Election Results They are Less Willing to Donate to GOP and Republican Candidates:
- 44 percent of Republican voters say they are less willing to donate money to the Republican Party or Republican candidates after the results of the 2022 elections.
- 13.2 percent of Republican voters say they are more willing to donate money to the Republican Party or Republican candidates after the results of the 2022 elections.
- 42.7 percent don’t know.
KEY INSIGHT: Same Plurality of Republicans Say They are Willing to Donate Money to Conservative Grassroots Organization Rather Than Donate Money to GOP:
- 44.5 percent of Republican voters say they are willing to donate money to a conservative organization, instead of the Republican Party, that is effective in grassroots organizing:
- 14.1 percent say very willing.
- 30.4 percent say somewhat willing.
- 25.1 percent of Republican voters say they are not willing to donate money to a conservative organization, instead of the Republican Party, that is effective in grassroots organizing.
- 30.4 percent don’t know.
Ronna did nothing in 2020; and the lot of them still ignoring. I am sick of it. Not just her, but the establishment