“BREAKING – Flyers Distributed at NGO in Mexico Encouraging Illegals to Vote for President Biden”

The flyers read:
“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open”
These flyers were discovered by @realmuckraker throughout the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) location including on the walls of port-a-potties
They also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA
RCM founder Gaby Zavala implied to @realmuckraker that she wants to help as many illegals as possible before President Trump is reelected
RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States.
@SecMayorkas is a former board member of HIAS, which received numerous grants from Soros’ Open Society Foundation over the years
RCM has significant ties to Soros-funded non-profits operating in the United States, including Save the Children, Team Brownsville Texas, and Angry Tias and Abuelas
Save the Children received over $650,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and has provided grants to Team Brownsville
According to documents obtained by @JudicialWatch, Secretary Mayorkas himself recently met with some of these entities, including Team Brownsville and Angry Tias and Abuelas
RCM is a fiscally sponsored project of the Asylum Seeker Network of Support (“ASNS”)
ASNS 501c3 registration was forfeited in Texas in 2022
But Founder and Executive Director Gaby Zavala continued to operate despite the forfeiture
Gaby Zavala was previously an organizer for La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), which listed the Open Society Institute as a partner
You do not need documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote. You can vote if you simply swear you are eligible
This flyer obviously seeks to prey on unsophisticated illegals and encourages them to illegally vote
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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