“Australia MUST reject the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Treaty Reforms”

National Action Week May 6th to May 12th – Australia MUST reject the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Treaty Reforms
Australia, May 5, 2024
Australia Exits the WHO supports the newly formed Aligned Council of Australia (ACA)’s National Action Week. All Australians are encouraged to participate in some or all of the actions, which include Attend Your Federal MP’s Office Day, National Put Out the Trash Day, Drain the Cash Day, Raise the Aussie Flag Day, the International Press Conference and Australia’s Greatest Letterbox Drop.
So what’s it all about?
There are several different documents (legal instruments) that are in negotiation at the same time and in various drafts, for consideration by the 194 member countries. Legal documents can be complicated and confusing at the best of times, and these particular documents are even more so. The unnecessary complexity combined with the following points, is of grave concern:
- Discussions are usually held behind closed doors by an unelected, unaccountable organisation, with no elected Australian representative present
- There are multiple drafts
- They are being pushed through at lightning speed, and
- The WHO no longer appears to be following it’s own due process in respect of their adoption
The documents for consideration are:
- Proposed amendments to the already existing International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005)
- Pandemic agreement, often referred to, although incorrectly, as the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ or ‘Pandemic Accord’
In addition, the United Nations (UN) has also put forward an additional document called the Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response Accord (PPPR).
It is argued by international law experts that the combination of these legal instruments will hand the WHO the authority to make binding directions on how a country is required to respond whenever anything arises that relates to health. This will not only include real pandemics, but also extend to ‘potential pandemics’ and cover the treatment of animals and other factors such as climate change. What is deeply concerning is that this will be at the sole discretion of the Director General (currently Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus).
Whilst both the WHO and UN documents are of concern, the immediate focus is those referred to as the Proposed Amendments to the IHR 2005
The people of Australia are asking their elected representative to insist that the Department of Health and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, reject both WHO treaties, or alternatively postpone voting so Australia has adequate time to consider their implications. No one signs a contract they’ve never seen.
Get involved, and let’s stand together shoulder to shoulder on the right side of history:
Watch: It’s Time Australia
It’s time Australia…… It’s time to let the politicians know the Australian people want democracy back. So let’s make sure every single sitting politician knows the will of the people is to reject the World Health Organisation’s proposed pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations. Your voice can be heard by turning up to your Federal MP’s office at 11am on Friday 10th May, signing The People’s Letter, and hand delivering it. If your MP is not in attendance that day, or you can’t make it on the 10th, then you can do this any day before the 27th May and leave it with their staffers. The people will finally be heard.
Following is the list of actions included in National Action Week. Each action has been given a designated day and are listed in that order, however, any action can be done on any day. For example, you can put your flags and stickers out on any day and if you are participating in Australia’s Greatest Letterbox Drop and can start before Sunday, please do!
1. Raise the Aussie Flag Day – Let your Aussie spirit shine as an act of unity across the country. You can also add Flag stickers to your car. Contact Aussie Freedom Business aussieflyers.com
2. Drain the Cash Day – Keep Cash Alive. Let’s keep the pressure on the banks to keep cash in circulation. Every Tuesday withdraw cash from the bank, and use it for all purchases you make. Post a selfie/cash purchase on socials with the hashtag #cashisking #keepcashalive
3. Email Your MP – Decisions about Australians’ Health should stay in Australia. The three founding members of the Aligned Council of Australia have made it easy for you to write to your local member of parliament. They’ve developed a system that helps you write your letter in your own words, by using prompts and suggestions on what you might say in your email or letter to your local MP. We also recommend visiting and phoning your MP and have listed all of these things in the order of effectiveness. Why not do them all!
4. National Put Out the Trash Day – Think Global, Act Local. Get a sticker on your bin! Help Australia throw out a Globalist Agenda.
Print Your Own or contact Aussie Fightback Club via their Facebook page.
5. Attend Your Federal MP’s Office Day – Friday 10th May – Move beyond the ballot box and onto their front lawn. Visit your local MP’s Office and deliver The People’s Letter asking them to Reject the proposed WHO treaties.
Assemble in front of your federal MP’s office and respectfully let them know we want no part of the WHO. and that we emphatically REJECT the WHO.’s pandemic treaties. Take some flyers, make a sign, wear a t-shirt that expresses how you feel, and gather with likeminded people from your electorate.
6. The International Press Conference – St Kilda, Melbourne Saturday 11th May 2pm. Everyone Welcome and will also be live streamed.
Hear from professionals in their fields, as they discuss how the proposed World Health Organisation’s pandemic treaty reforms will impact Australian lives, if not rejected by Australia. The panel includes those who have worked for both the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. Their knowledge and experience is invaluable in assisting us to be fully informed.
7. Australia’s Greatest Letterbox Drop – Spread the word, one doorstep at a time. Join Australia’s Greatest Letterbox Drop.
It’s time to get out in the Autumn sun, do some exercise and have a bit of fun delivering flyers in your local area! Register, identify your delivery location, grab your flyers and get out there and start hitting that pavement to educate your neighbourhood on the WHO.’s pandemic treaties. Welcome to the team!
You can find out more here: ACA Action Week
Who is Australia Exits the WHO?
They are an advisory committee of Australian professionals including Solicitors, Doctors, Accountants, ex Government Auditors, Professors, former Members of Parliament and business owners to bring awareness to deeply concerning proposals being put forward by the World Health Organisation.
Media representatives are invited to join our media list for updates: media@australiaexitsthewho.com
If you would like to a printable copy of this Press Release, you can download it here.