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“Security Expert Brian O’Shea Analyzes Ten Huge Security Fails At Trump PA Event”

Security and intel expert Brian O’Shea (and, disclosure, Dr. Wolf’s husband) walks the audience through TEN catastrophic ‘fails’ in standard security practice. Joining with other voices familiar with special operations and close protection, he too calls out omissions in basic security ranging from the SS staff being so short that […]

“There is No Unity, Only Victory”

Drew Allen argues that Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle cannot be trusted after “lying” about the security failures that led to former President Trump’s attempted assassination. She must resign. Allen points out how many Democrats refuse to take any responsibility for the assassination attempt. Instead, they play the victim. Also, […]

“‘America’s Last Stand’: Why 2024 REALLY IS The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime”

Kate Hildreth is joined by NEW DailyClout Commentator, also known as ‘The Millennial Minister of Truth’, Drew Allen! Allen explains the synopsis of his book, ‘America’s Last Stand’, in the context of the assassination attempt on President Trump over the weekend. What has changed and what hasn’t? Allen shares his […]

“Red Pilling Legislators On Vaccines”

Melissa Blasek shares why she believes it is important to hold politicians on each side accountable and how to gauge targets for activism. She is joined by Aaron Siri to discuss the biggest “red pills” he dropped on the New Hampshire Legislature, his other legislative efforts, and how recent SCOTUS […]

“Former President Trump and The RNC SHAMEFULLY Abandon COVID Lockdowns, Atrocities and Vaccine Injuries As An Issue”

From Shannon Joy: “Full disclosure, I am not watching the Republican National Convention but I’m keeping an eye on it via Twitter and it is something special, to say the least. Think LGBTQ-friendly meets gangster rap meets the Slutwalk girl …. it’s definitely something. It’s also VERY clear that moving […]

1560 Geneva Bible: Exodus 36 – Too Many Gifts

The Children of Israel are inspired creatively by the opportunity to decorate and adorn God’s house that they will carry with them, the Tabernacle. Everyone ‘wise-hearted’, male and female, is bringing so much jewelry and so many gifts to the project, that their leaders ask them to stop. We see […]

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Coming THIS SEPTEMBER: ‘The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity’ – Pre-Order Yours Now!

The new Pfizer reports book, The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, will be published on September 17, 2024, by Skyhorse Publishing. This important book is available for pre-order now. The book is 8.5″x11″ in size and printed in full color. It’s a must-have, COVID-era history book. Pre-Order The Pfizer Papers […]

“BREAKING–President Biden Drops Re-Election Bid”

Originally posted on Substack Burden of Neurodegenerative Disease, Recurrent Acute COVID-19 Illness, and Confluence of Current Events Ends Biden’s Political Career For the past several months at Courageous Discourse we have been reporting on the burden of neurodegenerative disease born by Joseph R. Biden rendering him essentially incapable of serving as President of the […]

2024 Will Define America. What Are You Doing to Prepare?

During the Biden Administration, millions of Americans saw the disinformation, pandemic response disaster, left-wing takeover of our institutions, and decimation of our economy as a dire warning of events to come.   Now in 2024: a bird flu, the southern border disaster – and an assassination attempt.    And we’re […]

LIVE: RNC Convention 2024 Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Join our live coverage from the RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI from 6am – 10pm EDT. RAV delivers news programs and live-event coverage that captures the authentic voice and passion of real people all across America.  


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“BREAKING–President Biden Drops Re-Election Bid”

Originally posted on Substack Burden of Neurodegenerative Disease, Recurrent Acute COVID-19 Illness, and Confluence of Current Events Ends Biden’s Political Career For the past several months at Courageous Discourse we have been reporting on the burden of neurodegenerative disease born by Joseph R. Biden rendering him essentially incapable of serving as President of the […]

“The Cover Your Ass Olympics”

Originally published on Substack “If the entire political and media elite can manufacture the lie for 4+ years that candidate now-President Biden isn’t cognitively impaired, what else might they have lied about and are lying about now?” — Stephen Miller You can’t deny that “Joe Biden” did his goodest last […]

The Top Ten Most Devastating Revelations Related to Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

The Pfizer COVID-19 ages 16+ vaccine clinical trial documents, which the pharmaceutical giant submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are now publicly available online at Four years after the clinical trials began, the country and world still strive to understand what happened during the clinical trial, what […]

“‘Thanatos’ — Death Gods — and The Attack on President Trump”

The Death Drive Comes To America Have the powers of gods of death been unleashed in our relatively peaceable nation? I’m in a hip, storied, deep-blue Catskills town; I was having a restful little writer’s retreat on my own, in a miniature cottage overlooking a small burbling brook. Orange daylilies, […]

Culture Critic

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“How Much Knowledge Was Lost to History?”

Originally posted on Substack Temples to Wisdom Only truly civilized cultures dedicate themselves to building up a storehouse of knowledge. That’s why libraries are the trademark of civilization — and the their destruction reflects the downfall of culture. Here’s a look at three of the greatest libraries in history that […]

“This Discovery Broke the Human Timeline”

For a brief period of time, there was a consensus view on the history of human civilization: humans were first hunter-gatherers, then developed agriculture, and finally developed religion, art, technology, and other aspects of culture. But then, a 20th-century architectural discovery threw all of this into question. Turkey’s Göbekli Tepe […]

“The Closest Thing to Heaven on Earth”

A 1,500-year-old wonder… Can stones and mosaics communicate divine wisdom? Can a single building showcase thousands of years of spiritual teaching? In the case of the Hagia Sophia, the answer is yes — and that’s exactly what makes it one of the greatest churches of Eastern Christendom. From the images portrayed in […]

“Dante’s 9 Circles of Hell”

A guide to the very bottom… Few works of Western literature can compete with Dante’s Divine Comedy. It’s a fascinatingly engaging read, despite being written over 700 years ago and containing many complex references to history and myth. For those who want to master the cultural heritage of the West, it’s […]


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Report 100 Pathological Basis of CoVax Disease Cardiovascular Manifestations

Republished with Permission from Doctors for COVID Ethics This document contains summaries of two autopsy cases that were examined by Pathologists Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang at Reutlingen, Germany. These summaries were translated and edited from Dr. Burkhardt’s own files.  Two cases are presented that demonstrate catastrophic damage to the […]

Report 99 How the CDC Hides COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries

Albert Benavides has diligently documented techniques used by public health agencies to hide data in their databases. He has exposed the techniques of throttling, time displacement, and removal of all or parts of reports. Mr. Benavides posts frequently on Substack. This report will examine two cases drawn from Vaccine Adverse […]

Report 98 FDA Selected Its ‘Vaccines Advisory Committee’ – Not Its Gene Therapy Advisory Committee – to Recommend the COVID Injections for Emergency Use, to Hide the Fact that the Products Are Not Vaccines But Gene Therapies

COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ drugs are modified mRNA gene therapy products. So, why did the FDA assign the review and recommendation responsibilities to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Committee (VRBPAC) instead of the Cellular Tissue and Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (CTGTAC)? CTGTAC was the logical FDA advisory committee for such a […]

Report 97 Pfizer Obscured Myocarditis Safety Signal Specific to Young Men. FDA Took Five Months to Notice Pfizer’s Obfuscation.

Career scientists are struggling with attention to detail in fulfilling their vaccine safety duties. Their conclusions, marked by errors and oversights, have led to lives lost and debilitating disorders, as proven by the government scientists’ own review documents. In spring 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency […]


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