“You Can Be Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian and Anti-Terror”
Dear DailyClout,
Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to a ‘viral’ video of Professor Davidai’s impassioned plea to the world to protect us against the evils of antisemitism. He pointed out that the world seems to have now ignored the fact that HAMAS carried out one of the worst atrocities committed against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Consequently, this has led to massive worldwide protests against Israel’s justified response to this act of abject horror and terror. He pointed out, rightly, that one can support both Israelis and Palestinians at the same time. Being pro-Israel does not mean one is anti-Palestinian and I agree. In fact, I also agreed at one point that we could live with the Palestinians side-by-side a la Oslo. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case and it would appear that the Palestinians, or at least HAMAS, aren’t interested in living peacefully side by side. Rather, it has become obvious that the only solution to the Middle East crises will not be the establishment of two or more states including one for the Jewish people. HAMAS and their enablers simply will not tolerate any state wherein live Jews; period. Thus, although I deeply appreciate what Dr. Davidai said in general I felt compelled to point out that we (me, him, all of us) have been had.
Sadly, despite Dr. Davidai’s laudable speech which moved me no end, I fear that he might still have some naive concepts regarding HAMAS, PA, Hezbollah, PIJ, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. (and I don’t mean this in a pejorative way whatsoever… to reiterate: I admire deeply what he said and did). This said, he still supports a Palestinian state. Do they need another state besides Jordan? We know what happened when Israel gave Palestinians control of Gaza. Gaza, on its return to the Palestinians, was full of industrial infrastructure that could have been used to better the lives of those living there. Instead, HAMAS was elected, all (Jewish) infrastructure was destroyed, and then as we all know Gaza began its decades-long war with Israel. Even during so-called cease-fires, Gaza still launched rockets into civilian centres in Israel on a virtually daily basis. Some peace! Some ceasefire! Some neighbor! And what a failed state is Gaza now? HAMAS, evidently, cannot even run a statelet under conditions of peace. I find it interesting that Dr. Davidai has not yet disabused himself of the notion that we can actually reason with these people. We all would like to believe we have someone on the other side with whom to speak but I hear only hate-filled speech or silence.
He also thinks that there are peace-loving Palestinians who aren’t antisemitic. I am sure there are and I used to believe that their numbers were not insignificant. Sadly though, based on recent events, I now think that in reality, the peace lovers are in the minority (or were killed by HAMAS). Too many, as evidenced by the participation of ‘regular’ Palestinians (i.e., NOT HAMAS) in the Concert massacre in the Negev, seem to be at the least philosophically antisemitic. And look at the millions of people (most being Muslim if we want to be perfectly truthful) demonstrating around the world demanding the murder of Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora! If this movement was truly about a political dispute or being held to support the Palestinians that would be one thing, but the actions of these groups have shone an immensely intense spotlight on their antisemitism. What, exactly, about chanting ‘from the river to the sea’, which is a euphemism for the total destruction of Middle Eastern Jewry will in any way help the Palestinians who are being abused by HAMAS?
Far too many are not only willing to commit heinous atrocities against Jews but are anxious to do so. Witness at least one recording of a ‘brave’ HAMAS ‘soldier’ who, on calling his proud parents (and they were very proud!) was overcome, rapturous actually, because he’d killed 10 innocent women, children, and elderly! His mother, praising Allah and brimming with pride would, on camera, be crying inconsolably had her son died but would celebrate him as a martyr otherwise. We’ve seen this too often to be able to ignore this reality.
And on a personal level, I have to agree with his experiential descriptions. I have spent decades fighting on-campus antisemitism. What was the result? Campus antisemitism still thrives whilst I’ve only received opprobrium. Sadly, his experience will be no different although I appreciate that he’s brave enough to go public with his concerns.
The most we can do is to continue to support Israel financially and when possible materially. We can donate to organizations that will help IDF soldiers after the war (Peace of Mind Canada comes to the fore). We also already see young Jewish kids flying to Israel (not only reservists) to fight against these monsters. These efforts should bear fruit.
And we have some other reason for hope. The Israelis just rescued a hostage. I don’t know how and quite frankly figured that any rescue of hostages was basically a pipe dream. But they did it. The IDF has lots of capabilities. Most of these are likely secret but could be being used now.
Unfortunately, I see that our (my) keyboard warfare has yielded basically nothing but auto-replies or other responses containing various nonspecific and if you really think about it, insulting bromides from our leaders including university presidents and the like. Our Police forces have let us down completely. But we will not stay silent.
However, I still weep with Dr Davidai.
Dr. Howard Tenenbaum
This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
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