Willful Ignorance: A Letter to a Pediatrician

Dear DailyClout,
Please see below a letter that I wrote to our family’s pediatrician in December last year. I work in the medical field in New Zealand and lost my job due to mandates. I am back working again at a different practice. Our pediatrician is a good person but, like so many in the medical profession, has become an expert in the specialty of willful ignorance. He has blocked my emails and never offered a response to my letter.
My aim with writing this letter was not to negatively target this one individual, but hopefully to engender a desire in pediatricians to boldly step out on behalf of the children under their care.
Unfortunately, almost a year on from writing this, it appears that none of our concerns in regard to jabbing children with these products have been answered or addressed in either of our countries. This was deplorably illustrated by the decision of the advisory committee to the CDC voting in favor of adding the Covid ‘vaccine’ to the recommended immunization schedule for children.
I hope that those that reached this decision in this cabal-committee, are only afflicted by the age-old character traits of avarice and cowardice, and are not influenced by an agenda far more sinister.
Kind regards,
C John
A letter to our paediatrician
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