Webinar – File Criminal Charges Against Public Officials

Originally recorded March 23rd, 2022
Webinar Summary:
Attorney James Ostrowski was our guest of honor.  Mr. Ostrowski answered detailed questions, and he shared free legal examples, to help file criminal charges against school officials, public health officials and elected officials over mask and vaccine mandate policies and COVID treatment policies.
- Overview of types of Criminal Charges.
- Discussion of legal strategies that can be used by citizens everywhere.
- Overview of the free Complaint Template that citizens everywhere can use.
Mr. Ostrowski is joined by Dr. Naomi Wolf, CEO of DailyClout.io and Craig Klein, DailyClout.io CRO.
Resources for Citizens
File Criminal Charges Webinar Outline
Sample Request for Criminal Investigation
How to File a Communication to the ICC Prosecutor
Other Useful links:
Writings By James Ostrowski:
James Ostrowski Background
Mr. Ostrowski is leading parents in New York State in filing suit against school districts and school administrators regarding masking of children. Mr. Ostrowski has also filed suit against New York Governor Hochul and members of the New York State Board of Health. Mr. Ostrowski will share a template that can be used by parents across the U.S. to file similar suits in their local areas.
Mr. Ostrowski is a trial and appellate lawyer from Buffalo, New York. He’s a graduate of Brooklyn Law School in 1983. He has written a number of scholarly articles on the law on subjects ranging from drug policy to the commerce clause of the Constitution. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Buffalo News, Cleveland Plain Dealer and Legislative Gazette. His policy studies have been published by the Hoover Institution, the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and the Cato Institute.
If thousands of law suits are launched, our kids will be much safer!
Here are some events that warrant investigation for criminal fraud.
1) the Surgisphere scandal in which a paper published in the Lancet on May 22, 2020 became the basis for the WHO and the FDA recommending against the use of hydroxychlorquine in early treatment. The paper was entirely based on fraudulent, made-up data. Even the WSJ covered the story. The lead author, a professor at Harvard Medical School author was negligent a minimum in checking the data source. The author retracted the paper 2-3 week later as other doctors and hospital whose date was claimed to be part of the dataset state that they didn’t know who Surgisphere was and that they had never been contacted.. This paper was published on the same day as a paper in the NEJM on the early data from a remdesivir study that reported a benefit for remdesivir. Within a couple of days of the NEJM paper, remdesivir got an EUA from the FDA for late stage treatment of CoVid, keeping the way clear for crash approval of a “vaccine”. Both studies were conducted at the Boston Brigham and Women’s hospital which is a Harvard teaching hospital and like Harvard Medical School is closely connected to Gilead, maker of remdesivir. Dr. Fauci’ NIAID licensed remdesivir to Gilead and so the NIAID, NIH stood to benefit via royalties from the use of remdesivir. I suspect someone at the NIAID or Harvard instigated the frauduent Surgisphere study and paper. Numerous people have died as a consequence of this fraud which effective stimatized and ostracised use of HQ for early treatment, which is when it is most effective (especially if used with zinc as per the FLCCC protocol.
2) Dr. Paul Marik. (one of the 5 original founder of the FLCCC and associate professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School and a clinician with hospital privilages at Sempra Health had a Sempra health hospital administrator forbid him from using hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or fluvoxamine or any flccc protocol to treat any CoVid patient. Dr, Marik has stated that he had to watch patients he could have helped, die. Dr. Marik is suing the hospital over their ban, but significantly, this could be a case where a hospital administrator needs to be investigated for manslaughter or negligent homicide and Dr. Marik’s lawsuit, which I believe is a civil case, likely will turn up a wealth of documents as a consequence of discovery. Virginia is likely to have a more favorable political situation with regard to such an investigation than in the past.
3) The Colorado State Medical Board sanctioned and fined a doctor / chiropractor for offering ivermectin to CoVid patients. The sanction included a hefty fine of over $40,000. That inspite of the fact that there are 32 double blind placebo controlled studies showing ivermection ihas a benefit when used as part of a protocol such has the Fareed and Tyson protocol (see the book-available on Amazon),with which these two doctors have treated over 7000 CoVid patients without one death. I live in Colorado which is why I am peripherally aware of this case.
I listened to this webinar this week. We discussed how this movement to empower people to rise up and hold our elected officials accountable. During the webinar, I think we talked about having a place to share filed cases to show others what we are working on. Is there a good place to post that to?
Needing some legal advice for me and my husband. My husband is on dyalis and is due to go in for the start of classes etc at a hospital for kidney transplant. The forms they sent me are requiring he get 3 covid vaccines etc. He don’t want them. What can be done? Please contact me you have my email sincerely Tracie very concerned wife
Is there a link to the previous James Ostrowski Webinar on how to file civil charges against school board members?
Still unsure how to avail webinar/info to file either civil or criminal charges against municipal office holders.
Please, please advise.
Many thanks,