Vaccines for Children Program- ACIP Meeting Tomorrow

On October 12, the CDC Twitter account posted that they would be hosting a webinar with the “Vaccine Equity Cooperative”, an organization whose sole purpose is to bring up vaccination rates among “BIPOC” communities.

That meeting lasted for about an hour, and a range of issues was discussed, with a heavy focus on the percentage vaccinated in various age groups, and the group of ladies and gentlemen who appear in the flier above strategized seriously about how to increase those percentages across the board.

At minute 56:25, the panel was on the screen responding to questions. A question came in from someone who asked if we can expect the Covid-19 vaccine to be added to the Vaccines For Children program, which funds vaccines for eligible children.
Dr. Sarah Meyer responded by advising listeners to tune in to the following week’s ACIP meeting, and assured that there would be a discussion of the Covid-19 vaccines “appearing on childhood, adolescent, and adult schedules, as well as a discussion around the use of the vaccine in the VFC program.”

ACIP Meeting This Week
Currently, on the website, there is a meeting scheduled for Wed-Thurs, Oct 19-20. The meeting is for the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), and the agenda is publicly posted. On the first day, they’ll be discussing Covid-19 vaccines for all ages, including pregnant women, as well as the “effectiveness of maternal Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant women and infants” (The official document says pregnant people. I can’t do that, sorry. I’m not delusional.)

On the second day, they’ll be discussing an updated Combined Immunization Schedule for all ages.

What Are They Doing?
Let’s take a minute and remind Grace Lee of a few realities. Grace Lee is the Chairwoman of ACIP who will be kicking off the meeting in two days at 8:30 AM.
Reality 1: Mr. Steve Kirsch has definitive proof that she is aware of the Israeli information he attempted to share with her that shows evidence of harm from the Covid-19 vaccine. Mr. Kirsch has the receipts that she told him in no uncertain terms to bugger off.

Reality 2: There is a pending court case against the Pfizer vaccine that claims to demonstrate fraudulent clinical trials. Brook Jackson is the Pfizer whistleblower who brought forward evidence of those claims.
Reality 3: The public tide is turning. Many of those who haven’t vaccinated their children against Covid-19 have been so disgusted by the behavior of the health officials that they will never put another vaccine into their children ever again. Other countries are starting to backtrack the vaccines. Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a previously pro-Covid vaccine advocate has made a complete U-turn in his opinion on them after studying the data. He’s now calling a meeting in the UK Parliament to recommend HALTING the program completely and launching a full-scale investigation into the range of harm caused by the vaccines. Ironically, it will be taking place on the very same day that the ACIP will be discussing how to inject more children.
With all the evidence that is already in the public sphere showing that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing tremendous harm, with other countries already acknowledging those harms and pressing the brakes – why is the CDC so stubbornly marching ahead with their program? Vaccine uptake for the younger ages is at a rate where it will be impossible to ever achieve the numbers they desire without a major shock to the system.
Robert F Kennedy Jr, explains in this video that if a vaccine gets added to the childhood vaccine schedule, the manufacturer enjoys an extra layer of added immunity. With the injuries, disabilities, and deaths piling up, they have every reason to urgently seek all the immunity they can find.
Call To Action
Please submit a comment to the ACIP/CDC meeting by clicking on this link
Click on the “comment” button to add your personal concerns.
If the CDC is trying to slip Covid vaccinations into the childhood schedule, millions of children will be at risk from the known harms of the mRNA vaccines. The pushback to this must be swift and strong. The medical freedom movement has achieved many small victories against medical tyrants through sheer determination and persistence. The CDC is well aware of the massive storm brewing, and we the people cannot let them build fences that shield themselves from accountability.
I posted my submission. Comment Tracking Number l9g-puat-txyf
As many nation states in Europe have moved to stop the use of these vaccines for younger people because of the risk levels for myocarditis – either fatal and/or quality of life reducing, as well as other serious and not-so-serious illnesses and/or permanent disabilities; that the CDC is even contemplating adding this vaccine to the “Vaccines for Children (VFC)” Program is an anathema to the entire theory of doing no harm.
I cannot contemplate that this decision is coming from substantive evidence of no harm arising to children from the vaccine, nor evidence of harm actually arising in children who do not have other comorbidities from catching the Covid virus. I believe that this will be a historical mistake that will have ongoing repercussions regarding the CDC and its reason to continue to exist.
The vaccine has proven not to stop infections or transmission. Children have a very low rate where the illness arising from covid is anything but mild. There is no reason to place our children at risk given the evidentiary data of covid severity in children, for most, it is equal to catching a cold.
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