To the Editor: One Voice Now, Ross Perot’s Technological Townhall Meeting System for Every Community in America

Dear DailyClout,
The Declaration of Independence tells us that it is not only our right but our duty to change our system when it gets this bad. With the corruption in all three branches of government along with the prospect of WWIII, it can’t get much worse.
We now live in the age of communication technology. With the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve learned that the government is using today’s communication technology against us. It is up to We the People to use today’s miraculous communication technology for us.
Thirty-three years ago, a technology guru moved America on Larry King Live when he announced the concept of a technological town hall meeting system. America went crazy putting him on the ballot believing he would use today’s communication technology to give everyone in America a real and equal voice on the issues in their lives, communities, country, and world. According to the election outcome he lost, but in 33 years I have not found one person who did not vote for him. He spoke out against NAFTA and turned out to be right. NAFTA sucked industrialization and the middle class out of America. We now have the necessary communication technology to fulfill his vision of a technological town hall meeting system and start rebuilding America from the ground up, community by community.
The plan is called One Voice Now, has won the Dr. MLK Jr. Award, and is the blueprint for his vision. It uses our local public broadcasting facilities, owned by the American people, as their local issues TV, internet, and radio station. Instead of watching and listening to Antique Road Show, 60s music, and cartoons, it can now be used to give everyone in the community a real and equal voice for raising, debating, and voting on solutions to community issues. The blueprint can be found at ONEVOICENOW.ORG
David Frank
This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
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