To the Editor: ‘”I Almost Miscarried”‘ Following 2nd Dose of Pfizer Injection

My name is Marianne Varner, my sister sent me a clip where you were discussing the Pfizer Covid vaccine causing placental insufficiency and I wanted to share my story. I became pregnant in December 2020 with my little girl. I’m a registered nurse and at the time working in a hospital where I was basically bullied/forced into getting the vaccine. I received the first vaccine approximately 2 weeks before finding out I was pregnant and I was strongly encouraged by my doctors to get the 2nd dose after I found out. I almost miscarried shortly after and was given vaginal suppository progesterone. At approximately 27 weeks, I was told my baby had fetal growth restriction due to inadequate blood flow. At 32 weeks exactly, they had to take her via c-section because there was no blood flow. She was born weighing 3lbs 4oz and spent a month in the NICU. She is 2 years old now and only weighs 21lbs, but otherwise healthy. At the time of my pregnancy, I questioned my doctor if this could have been caused by the vaccine since the virus can cause these issues in pregnant women and was told no. I was told it was most likely my Metoprolol and that was the end of the discussion, no further investigation. I’m curious how many more women had this happen to them? It is truly disgusting.
Thank you for reading and I hope this helps in the unraveling of this atrocity.
Marianne Varner
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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