The Interconnection of Nature and Health

Dear DailyClout,
I am a neurobiologist (marine natural products and neurodegenerative diseases) and am mainly active in the German-speaking world to raise awareness. I was also one of the first to publicly warn against the injections, including as a speaker at the major protests in Berlin in 2020.
I’d like to draw your attention to a lecture called: The Interconnection of Nature and Health.
I have dedicated myself to the topic of epigenetics in a somewhat different way because there are ways out, but only with nature. Also regarding the “switching off” of unfavorable gene sequences, which is not directly addressed here, but between the lines. I personally think we should focus more on that.
However, meanwhile, the destruction of nature is ongoing, the source of our health and I’m pretty sure the solution lies within it. Most people don’t think about ecotoxicology, but that means also: that nature has to handle that stuff as well. And – obviously- is still able to thrive.
The interconnection of nature and health is not a simple phrase, it’s a fact. The lecture is almost completely based on studies and mainstream articles that don’t support the “public narrative”, and I hope it helps our mission.
Thank you for your important work and best wishes,
Dr. Heidi Wichmann
What is behind the statement that everything is interconnected?
Since we humans have been moving further and further away from nature, an increase in civilization diseases can be seen at the same time. But what influence do plants, animals, or nature in general have on our (epi)genetics and what disturbs this “cycle of health“?
This lecture I have dedicated to the influence of diverse environmental factors (such as pesticides, geoengineering, wind turbines, biodiversity loss), as epigenetic factors, on our health. Also, those that are naturally present and part of the “Cycle of health”.
Watch now:
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