The Association of the United States Navy Interviews Sherman Gillums and John Spagnola

LCDR Steven Rogers, Operations Manager for The Association of the United States Navy asked to interview John Spagnola on the issue of Veterans health, suicides, and the issue of Written Informed Consent. Rogers made it clear that his members needed to be educated on the issue of Written Consent, so they could protect themselves and their family members. Spagnola then contacted Sherman Gillums to also take part in the interview.
That interview has now been released and is on the national website of the Association of the United States Navy. It includes a narrative about the work that John and Sherman have been involved in to support and protect Veterans. Here is one excerpt:
“Most veterans receiving care for a mental health diagnosis, such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more, are not aware of the devastating side effects (violent behavior, suicide, hallucinations, and others) that can accompany some psychotropic medications and drug combinations.”
Gillums is a long-time ally of Spagnola‘s and is currently the Director of Disability Integration & Coordination for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the Department of Homeland Security. He is a 12-year Marine Corps Veteran, who was the Executive Director of Paralyzed Veterans of America, a national Veteran Service Organization.
Gillums also held the post of the top Veteran Advocate for AMVETS, the fourth largest Veterans Service Organization, and acted as their representative for the Board of Veterans Appeals.
Rogers plans to contact other Veteran Service Organizations to urge them to also include this information on Written Consent as part of their websites, so those respective VSOs can protect their members as well!
This could mean that millions of Veterans would learn about their rights to know the side effects of the drugs prescribed to them and to know that they have treatment options outside of medications.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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