Originally published by Jewish Journal When the United Nations fails to stand up for Israeli women and hostages, when it fails to condemn Hamas, when it fails to report the truth, it is failing women everywhere Amid the avalanche of anti-Israel propaganda surrounding the Israel-Hamas war, it is more important […]
Why Do Men Take Credit For Women’s Work?
Men take credit for women’s work for one reason: because they can. it’s just one of the many injustices women endure simply because they’re female. Being unequal under the law has plagued women in all countries for generations – and has left women vulnerable to second-class treatment in all […]
The Collapse of Women’s Health and Work
The World Health Organization, United Nations, UNICEF, non-governmental organizations and governments are all publicly promoting equity, inclusiveness and diversity. At the same time, these organizations were leading lockdowns and mandates that disadvantaged women disproportionately, especially those with a low salary, in health and income. Many of the women who lost paid […]
The UN Discusses Darkening The Skies to Combat Climate Change
Will Bill Gates succeed with his new plan? Originally Published on the Author’s Substack A new report from the UN was just published. It proposes and discusses ways to cool our planet by restricting sunlight and darkening our skies. Source: UNEP Document What is this about? Why block sunlight, of all things? Let […]
COP27 – Here’s What You Need to Know
“COP” stands for Conference of Parties and refers to the United Nations (UN) conference on climate change. This year marks the 27th annual conference. The conference hosts business, world, and organization leaders as well as scientists and other experts to discuss plans to address climate change. This year, the conference […]
US Supports Foreign Intervention in Haiti – Newsmax Reports
Leonardo Feldman of Newsmax reports that the United States has sponsored a resolution at the United Nations that supports foreign intervention in Haiti amidst a growing hunger crisis, and escalating protests.
US Senator Discusses Public Health Emergency
Dear DailyClout, I copied a prewritten text and emailed it to all my NC congressmen. I only got one response back from Sen Tom Tillis. He appears from his response to know nothing of this treaty. Below is his emailed response: Dear Ms. Capparella: Thank you for taking the time […]