Statement Regarding Charge Laid Against John Carpay

This charge is unexpected and without explanation
Calgary: Today, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms issued the following statement concerning the charge laid against John Carpay by the Winnipeg Police:
During the height of Covid restrictions and lockdowns, it was reported that key members of Manitoba’s leadership were breaching public health regulations. As was already reported at the time, John Carpay made the unilateral decision to hire an investigator to ascertain the credibility of these claims in June 2021.
The Justice Centre’s statement on these events in June 2022 stated:
“Mr. Carpay’s decision to conduct surveillance of Manitoba government officials followed a number of high-profile instances where those who imposed and enforced lockdown restrictions were themselves found violating their own rules, partying on rooftops, ignoring rules about face masks and social distancing, and jetting off to exotic holiday locations to countries without Covid restrictions. This flagrant flaunting of standards took place while Canadians faced unprecedented restrictions on their Charter-guaranteed freedoms to travel, assemble, associate with others, and worship.”
Mr. Carpay took full responsibility without reservation for his actions and apologized to Chief Justice Joyal in a public court hearing on July 12, 2021.
On Friday, December 30, 2022, the Justice Centre was made aware of a warrant for the arrest of John Carpay. This warrant was apparently issued in connection with the events that took place in 2021 and alleges obstruction of justice. When he was made aware of this warrant, Mr. Carpay immediately turned himself into Calgary Police Services.
This charge is unexpected and without explanation. The events at issue took place over 18 months ago, and police have not previously contacted Mr. Carpay nor the Justice Centre. Mr. Carpay has been cooperating with the investigation of this matter by the Law Society of Manitoba. At the time of the events, the Justice Centre Board of Directors also took appropriate steps to strengthen governance and oversight of the organization while Mr. Carpay took a seven-week leave of absence
The Justice Centre is deeply disappointed by the decision of Winnipeg Police to lay a criminal charge for events that took place more than 18 months ago and that are already being dealt with appropriately. It is doubly disappointing that it was decided that these actions should take place during the holiday season when Mr. Carpay is spending time with his family. Oddly, Mr. Carpay’s sole bail condition states that he cannot contact Chief Justice Joyal, an individual that Mr. Carpay has not had any communication with apart from the apologies that he issued in 2021.
Despite these proceedings, the work of the Justice Centre will continue unhindered to defend citizens’ constitutional rights and freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by providing legal representation to Canadians free of charge. The Justice Centre’s work is focussed on defending Canada’s free society, including Canadians’ freedoms of conscience, religion, expression, association and peaceful assembly, as well as their right to life, liberty, and the security of the person. In particular, the Justice Centre has been active in response to governments’ severe Covid lockdowns and restrictions which stopped Canadians from gathering, worshiping, associating, working, traveling and peaceful assembly.
The entire Justice Centre team remains steadfastly committed to defending the constitutional freedoms of Canadians.